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"If there's anything else you want it's probably a good idea to figure it out this trip; if I keep bringing diamonds they'll be less scarce and therefore less valuable. We can go houseplant shopping. If you're going to sleep we should find you a hotel."


"Why would I sleep? What's a hotel? Magic songs work fine, though people stared curiously. All of my artifacts are also behaving normally. I want all of your tools for metalworking, for comparison with ours later."

"Well, I'm going to sleep later, I do so on a daily basis, but you can probably wander around unescorted for a night, you certainly speak the language well enough. A hotel is a place where you can rent accommodations temporarily if you're going to be someplace not long enough to actually get a house or an apartment. And yes, singing randomly in public is a slightly weird thing to do. We can get you a complete set of local metalworking tools!"

Further shopping.

"Does no one sing here? Except when there's a specific occasion?"


"It's not magic - except when it is, apparently, I wonder how we didn't notice? How hard was that to discover? - and we're not as good at it as you guys. People might hum to themselves, much less often outright sing."


"Actually, that could explain it. Unlikely with your numbers but just barely possible. Good singers have more tolerance with other aspects of composition to still get magic out of it."


"There are some good singers, but you or Maitimo would both be exceptional quality here and he at least says he's nothing special for an Elf."


"You still have not heard Macalaurë sing? We will have to correct that when we get you home."


"I still have not heard it. I'm told he will be gratified if I swoon."


"I would be worried about building expectations too much but I am not. Not at all."


Kib laughs. "Okay, I need to go to bed. Things quiet down a lot overnight but you can probably amuse yourself frowning at architecture or something. I'll be up around sunrise-ish."


"I am excited about night! Should be fascinating."


"Spending money if you see somebody open late for business -" Kib hands him some currency. "- and come find me at my teacher's house when the sun's up."


"I will!"


And Kib goes home to his own bed for the night and soothes small co-prentices who are going to miss him and sleeps.


And Fëanor wanders around poking things and taking samples and people stare at him but nothing worse happens, and finds his way to Kib in the morning.


"Good morning," Kib says. "I miss anything fun?"


"I wanted to get at least hair samples from people but at home that'd be extremely strange-seeming to ask."


"It's not nearly as weird here and not in the same way at all. I'll ask the household." And he goes back into his house and comes out with snippets of hair from six people.


He is still looking around longingly, but - "I guess that'll have to do."


"I can ask more people, it's just a little odd when I don't know them well, how many did you want?"


"I honestly have no idea what it'd take to discover what we need because I don't know what we need."


"Do you want to go hang out near a creche and see if we can catch a stork coming in? I should actually put out an ad in the news saying I got snaked and didn't die..."



So Kib takes him to the nearest creche. "This is where I got dropped," he says. "There's a stork a couple times a day, usually, for any given creche. Might have a wai- no, there's one."

There is indeed a stork. It looks like a bird only a little bit even from a distance; it's got a hollow chest cavity with a baby tucked into it and no actual feathers. It flaps a lot, seemingly too heavy to glide except when it comes in for a neat landing on the creche roof. It plucks the baby out of itself and puts it down and goes SQUAWK and then flies away.
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