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...So you could send me there and back, and if I then brought a sufficiently well-specified report of someone who wanted to come you could bring them too, but no third worlds, no anonymous babies.


Not safely with our current knowledge of this phenomenon.


Okay. I'd like to tell my teacher I'm not dead - someone else may have also been mirrored by the snake monster and landed somewhere else, if they find a way home we can maybe establish contact with more places, so checking in now and then would be beneficial to the long term project but it's probably not worth doing more than every - Let's not say 'six months' or 'half a year' - couple dozen weeks. What do you need to know about my teacher to bring him, or should I just go myself to be recalled in a day or so?


A name and an osanwë impression, a few memories, would be sufficient.


...Actually if I go myself I can bring books. Right? Or would bringing me plus cargo be difficult?


That would not be a problem, unless they are in enormous quantities.


What quantity is enormous?


Would there be a gravitational singularity if I put them all in the palace?


No, I'm just wondering if I can bring a pocketful of diamonds and then go to a really big bookstore and tell them to give me one of everything.


That would not be a problem.


Awesome. Okay, I think two of my days, one of yours, should be plenty to tell everybody I'm alive and they should keep an eye out for other people who got snake monstered, sell diamonds, buy books, pack personal items, and then - just hang out near everything I want to bring?


If you have it all in mind proximity should not be strictly necessary.


Oh, even easier. I'd like time to ask a few people if there's anything besides books I ought to grab, am I on a deadline here?


Not at all.


How do I find you when I'm ready to go?


I will remain here.


...what, indefinitely? Okay. Thanks!


The static gets less intense. Slightly.


And Kib goes and asks Maitimo first.


"A perfectly calibrated clock," he says, "some examples of currencies for people to get excited over how exotic they are, possibly other exotic things you can give as quite valuable gifts here in Tirion, if you wanted to visit the city you've dreamed about would that be a separate trip?"


"Yeah, it would, it'd take a few days to get there."


"Nothing else comes to mind."


"Going to ask Fëanáro, too, bet he has ideas."


"He definitely will. Ah, your'e supposed to use the titles and fathernames when talking about us, though not when talking to us - I don't care and my father doesn't care, but someone will, and a lot of people won't know who you're talking about,.."


"Oh. Okay. Why?"

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