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"Okay. Estimate on how long that'll take?"


"... Four hours," he decides, after a thoughtful pause.


"Okay then." We will be ready to be on our way in like four hours.


We'll find you then.


And Kib kisses Aydanci. "They'll come by then. I will read notebooks while you get everything squared away, unless there is something I can help with."


"You can sort through the pantry for perishables or check through my notes to see if I made any mistakes and if it's understandable, if you want. But I can handle it just fine on my own if you'd rather read notebooks."


"I'll help." He's already rummaged in the pantry today. He rummages more and comes up with things.

And Aydanci goes through his notes and rewrites them to something clearer and more legible, then offers them to Kib to check over.

They are clever and insightful, though sort of obviously hastily written and sometimes their clarity suffers because of it.

Kib asks clarifying questions and suggests marginalia. And kisses his husband.

Eee, kisses.

But! They cannot be distracted yet, they have a deadline. Margins are added, and then it is in a state where it's fine to be copied and mailed out by a golem that is made for disseminating this specific type of information.

And then Aydanci pops out to make sure all bills are pre-paid and then he has to quickly pack, but as promised, he's ready to go in four hours.

The only things Kib has to pack are what he brought from Tirion and Aly's notebooks, so he has time to read some of them, skipping around out of order, occasionally pausing to smile fondly at Aydanci about something he has just read.


They come back to the apartment at four hours.

And then everybody can get in a carriage to Wrebb.

And on the way Kib can explain more Elf and Valinor facts to Aydanci. Family stuff and telepathy stuff and the time effect in Valinor ("if you have a clock around and remember to use it, it's plenty compensated for by needing less sleep, I think") and Valar stuff and the perpetually bright Trees and the planet being flat and how there is one other human there. And they should pick up some laundry automata before they go back through the portal.
Aydanci is mildly disturbed by the time effect in Valinor, and would like to reduce that as much as possible. He'll keep a pocketwatch and keep an eye on it, along with working on keeping his thoughts privatized.

Otherwise, Valinor sounds nice. If occasionally culturally unfortunate, though he doesn't say that part out loud because he has an iota of social grace.

And did Kib explain the Elven effort to help creches (and then, eventually, stop death in general) by giving storks money?


"I did mention that, yes."


"It's a pity we couldn't do it years ago, but we didn't have the money for it to do much good."


"Or the workforce to reliably avoid politicizing the storks."

"Whereas we have no material scarcity, lots of expert craftsmen used to giving their things away or finding that everyone already has as many of the things as they desire, and no interest in politicizing your storks," Findekano says.

Maitimo makes a neutral noise.

"...okay, interest in politicizing your storks which wouldn't cause us to actually do it."

"I'm not necessarily opposed to politicizing storks eventually in some very carefully-considered way. I was mostly thinking 'gosh, I wouldn't like to be kidnapped and compelled to drive out religious minorities', not, 'gosh, I have really strong principles about the nonpolitical status of storks and definitely can't use them to pressure political units to stamp out slavery etcetera even if I could do it from the safety of another universe'."


"Slavery's what I had in mind," Maitimo says, "though maybe there are other injustices just as troubling that haven't been brought to our attention yet. But I trust your judgment and your knowledge exceeds mine, here."


"Slavery definitely needs to stop," sighs Aydanci. "I haven't had the freedom to focus on it at all, I've been busy. And, well, highly specialized."


"We have time," Kib says.


He smiles. "That we do."


"Your specialty is health?" Maitimo says.

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