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"They're shiny? There's three? You acquire them at some point and wear them in a crown and it's very fetching and then when everything is dark for unclear reasons they could be used to restore light to the world and you don't turn them over for the purpose. They were a recurring theme in the subsequent unpleasant warfare."


"Can you send an image?"




"Oh," he says. "Should I not invent them, then? They are one possible avenue to make humans immortal - the brute force approach I mentioned the last time we discussed it."


Blink. "Uh, I suppose that might help, if you have an alternative. Presumably you originally had other reasons to make them besides immortalizing humans?"


"They would also allow Elves to live indefinitely outside Valinor, which we currently can't do. I have alternatives for human immortality but no alternative to that."


"I'm not sure how anybody's going to live anywhere short of evacuating to my world while the world is all dark if they - hm, no, one of the later visions was in what looked like daylight, but I don't know how that was accomplished -"

"I want to make the Silmarils," he says. "I don't want to be dependent forever on the Valar and tied forever to Valinor. I can be very careful they don't have mind-altering side effects but if all the fighting over them was a consequence of them being extremely powerful and extremely valuable, it doesn't seem wise to fix that by not making powerful and valuable things.

I could make them impossible for anyone to wield or benefit from without my leave."

"That might work. Don't know enough to say for sure. The visions didn't show anyone using them as anything other than shiny rocks."


"I could make them less pretty," he says reluctantly, "so Elves don't obsess."


"Might work, don't know. If I could give you a complete prescription for how to steer around all the everything I would definitely have brought it all neatly indexed," Kib sighs.

"It seemed likely you'd be able to piece together more than us from what we do know, though," Maitimo says, "and I had not even anticipated that you might know enough about your future projects to guess their role in things."

"It's in the very early stages of consideration," Fëanáro says. "Is it possible you killed all those people to get it back because it was needed to save many many more people?"

"I am really good at solving problems like that without swords, and don't seem to have been particularly effectual with them," he says. "I cannot imagine I'd try that."

"Silmarils don't explain what happened to you before that, either," Kib says to Maitimo.


"That may not be something we can avert," he says. "If no one can see it. Better to figure out how to come out of it not a mass murderer."

Not being able to squeeze his hand is really frustrating. "Okay."


Fëanáro is watching him a little oddly. "The other interesting thing," he says after a second, "is what we can learn about people from the knowledge they had access to. I get no dreams, presumably because there aren't things I wouldn't change."


"But you could hear Nerdanel's dream, couldn't you? Even without me as a waypoint."


"Yes. Because I didn't think it was prophetic. I would never harm my children."


" didn't seem conspicuous that its subject could not hear her if she told him about it?"


"There are a lot of features of the nature of the Eldar that cannot truly work the way we're told they work. Marriage comes to mind. I think prophecy might be the same. I am sure it does something but I don't believe it does what everyone says, and if it does and there's nothing to be done about it, then it's best completely ignored."


"Well, here I am, a thing to be done about it. - What's dodgy about how marriage is supposed to work besides it being really weird-sounding to a human?"

"Dear," Nerdanel says.

They stare at each other intently for a few minutes.

I'll tell you some other time, she says.



"Anyway," he says, "now there's something to be done so now I'll engage with the whole ridiculous conceit. But you can see why earlier I wouldn't have."


"Yeah, I thought my dreams were fake until they taught me a language and you only had secondhand anything, I get it."

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