"I know I managed to give it a solid kick, I just don't know if I managed to knock it over and steal its toys. Valar fates might be harder to knock over. They might be stuck acting in ways that would make more sense if I weren't going around kicking things."
"- I'm not optimistic they'd give it. I'm not sure they know how compromise works. They're not supposed to have to compromise, not with incarnates."
"...Parenting is a slightly fungible resource, but I would argue that parents are not."
Bella nods. "Their priority should be your thriving, and that involves not being in Valinor, it's pretty clear, but that doesn't mean they'll just shrug and figure as long as they can have more kids they're all set. It would be good if we could work something out with the Valar to allow visits."
"The Valar might decide that if you want to see your parents you have to go there and stay, and not let them leave in order to make that the choice you get. It would be stupid, but it would be Valarishly stupid."
"They're better than the gods on my plane but it makes their failures really conspicuous and disappointing."