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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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"Zev, what I just said to Nova applies to you as well. I do not, and will never expect any form of repayment for this."


"It's not about that, it's- God. Aaren, I just want him to feel safe. And if I can't do that-"

Zev has to cut himself off. His voice sounds like broken glass.


"Sweetheart-" Aaren stops, holds his arms out in mute offer. "You do. I know you probably can't see it. I'm nor sure he does. But he does feel safe with you."


Zev steps eagerly, greedily, into Aaren's arms. He hugs himself as close to Aaren as physics will allow.

"I want him to know that. I want him to see that."


Aaren holds him tightly, strokes the back of his head. "He just needs time, Zev. This is new to both of you. He'll get there. You both will." Pauses. "That's part of what I wanted to talk to you about. I've got an older brother. He's a therapist, I think it might do both of you some good to talk to him."


Zev pulls back. " you think he will help?"


"I think he won't harm. He- He specialises in PTSD. Has two kids of his own he adopted not that long ago, from a pretty rough situation."


"If...if you think he'll help, then I think he should try."


"The other thing is the fact that we need to make sure that you and Nova can't be made to leave against your will. Which is going to involve a lawyer, and probably the police as well. But I need you to know that we will keep you safe."


The mention of the police doesn't inspire Zev with confidence, but if it means keeping Nova safe-

"I want him to know he has a safe place. Where he doesn't have to-" He doesn't think he needs to elaborate.


"We'll make sure of it. Ange has a couple of friends who she thinks will help. I'll see if Steve's free - is tomorrow okay?"


"I'll...I'll talk to him about it."


"Okay." Aaren gives him a squeeze. "You're really both incredibly strong. And I'm glad you had each other."


"I...I just wish I could've done more. So that he wouldn't feel like this."


"I'll let you in on a secret: I feel the same way about 'Chelle's mum. And I didn't even know her until Ange called me saying they needed someone shockproof to talk to her."


"You have the same powers as 'Chelle?"

Zev sighs, the sound hopeless. "I won't ever regret getting him out. And I can say that I should've been more prepared, but from the second I knew there was only one choice. I just...maybe I shoul've-" He cuts himself off. He doesn't know what he 'should've' done. He has aimless, directionless regret and guilt just floating around his body like a virus.


"I'm going to suggest you talk to Steve about this. He might be able to help you put things in perspective, huh?"


Zev nods. He doesn't look reassured, but he has to figure at this point anything would help.



Aaren pulls away slightly, rests his hand on the back of Zev's neck the same way he has a thousand times before for Lan or 'Chelle. (I'm here, I've got you, I won't let you fall.)

"It's okay if you don't believe me, but things will get better. It might not always seem like they are, but we're right beside you, okay? We can help if you need it."


Zev nods again. He doesn't believe Aaren, but he trusts him. He's in a grey area, but willing to take a step out. For Nova.

He steps back into Aaren's arms for another hug.


And he gets one, gentle, but firm.

"You should probably get back to Nova," Aaren suggests - not that the hug is loosening, but if Zev steps back, he'll find he can get out of the hold easily enough.


Zev closes his eyes, feeling greedy for the small interaction, but so grateful to Aaren for it. 

He steps back after a moment. “Thank you. I’ll talk to Nova about speaking to Steve.”


"You're welcome, Zev," Aaren says with a nod. "Any time."

Pause. "I'm gonna see if I have any chicken broth left in the freezer. Might be a bit easier on both of your stomachs."


The mention of food doesn't make him taste bile, so he nods. 

He goes back into the living room, sliding under Nova so his head is in Zev's lap.


Nova gives a sleepy mumble and nuzzles into Zev's knee.

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