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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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"I'm not angry, Nova," Aaren says calmly, setting the book to the side. "And you have nothing to apologise for. I'm sorry that I in any way made you think you owed me anything. I guess I haven't been clear enough that I don't expect repayment."


"Either was I."


"That isn't your job, Zev," Aaren says seriously. "I should have expected either or both of you to feel like you owed me for this. I'm going to state unequivocally: you do not. You should never have thought you did. I've never asked Lan and 'Chelle to do more than a handful of chores to help me keep the house tidy, and I'll never ask anything more of them."

Pause. "Nova, if anyone asks you to do that, and you don't want to, you are entirely within your right to say no. And you shouldn't offer it to anyone just because you think you owe them something. You will never, ever owe anyone that."


"Ever," Zev reiterates, close to Nova's ear.


"B-but I don't have- any other way to- to earn my keep?"


"You don't have to earn your keep, Nova," Aaren says firmly. "No child should ever be asked to earn their keep. You both have a right to have a safe place, where you have enough to eat, clothes that are warm enough, and that fit, and space that's your own."


"Anyone who asks that in exchange for food deserves to be set alight."


"Zev isn't wrong. But it's never going to happen again. I promise. You both have a safe place here as long as you need it. And if you'd rather stay somewhere else, we'll help you find somewhere equally safe."


-he doesn't know how to respond to that. Isn't entirely sure what 'safe' is. (It's Zev.)

He's shaking against Zev's side.


Zev holds him close, trying to soothe the shaking. It was only a few hours ago that Zev was shaking the same, and Nova calmed him. 

"I want to stay, but only if Nova feels safe. That's all I've wanted."


-how can he say no? Zev wants to stay, and he wants to stay with Zev and-

He stays tucked close against Zev's side.


"And you're more than welcome," Aaren assures. "Take time to think about it, Nova."

Pauses. "Do you think you boys are up to something to eat?"


"We have time, mi alma. We've never had that before." He presses a kiss to Nova's hair. 

He shakes his head at Aaren. He knows it's dangerous. He knows that if he doesn't eat Nova won't either, but the idea of food is still...wrong.


"Alright, well. Kitchen's open. Third cupboard on the top has crackers and stuff in it. Want to see if we can find any more ocelot kittens?"


He should say something funny here. Or maybe agree, with big sparkling eyes. 

Instead he curls around Nova.


Nova curls into Zev, still trying to make himself small and unnoticeable.


Despite the lack of overwhelming agreement, Aaren turns the TV on, and manages to find a documentary about a monkey sanctuary that seems pretty cute.


Zev takes to muttering a comforting stream in Spanish. The words sound better in his native tongue, English doesn't carry the warmth he wants to infuse Nova with.


He's tired. He's not been sleeping well-

With Zev murmuring to him, he drifts off against him.


Zev tuck's Nova's head into his neck, gently cupping his face. He keeps up the soft words, hoping they comfort him like Nova's humming did.


Aaren waits until he's sure Nova's in a fairly deep sleep.

"Zev?" he says quietly. "Can I have a quick word with you just outside?"

He nods to the open door.


"I-" He does. He does want to speak with Aaren...but Nova is so peaceful...

He does his best to gently lower Nova onto the sofa as he moves out from under him. He keeps up the steady stream of words as he does. Once he's sure Nova is comfortable, he grabs a blanket and tucks it around him.

He then heads to the door, keeping on eye on Nova the entire time.


Nova barely stirs.


Aaren quietly heads out into the hall, perches himself on the stairs.

"We need to- discuss how to keep you two safe."


"I'll do anything, I don't care what. I'll- I'll-"

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