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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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"Sleep?" Nova suggests.


“Mmmmm.” Zev looks down at the clean clothes. “I think I’ll put something fresh on first. I’ll be just a minute.”

He grabs a t-shirt and sweatpants, disappearing inside the bathroom, changing fast. He’s back out in just a moment, Lan’s clothes bundled in his arms. 


Nova's changed while he was in the bathroom, and is sat cross-legged on the bed, looking a little less entirely lost now that he's wearing clothes that don't hang off him.


"Looks like they got both our sizes right. Shockingly enough," Zev says. The t-shirt is slightly too big, but once he's not stick thin he imagines it will fit well. He drops Lan's clothes, and sub consciously starts rubbing his arms. They're covered in old scars and more recent bruises, not usually something he would care about, but it's been a long time since he wasn't wearing long sleeves.

He shakes off that thought and joins Nova on the bed. "Feel a little better?"


He nods. "Yeah. You?"


"Much. Might actually start to feel human. Isn't that a strange thought." 

He takes the moment to grab Nova's hand, and wriggle under the covers. "Maybe we should take them up on that zoo offer. Might be nice to see how the other side lives."


He nods slowly. "Yeah, might be fun."


Zev smiles sleepily. He tucks his hand onto Nova's neck, stroking the skin with his thumb. "That sounds like a decision, mi vida." He sounds (and feels) happy.


"Yeah," he agrees quietly. "Guess- Guess it is. Should sleep," he repeats.


"Mmmmm...can't...can't argue with that," mumbles Zev.

His eyes close, and soon after that, he's asleep.


Nova stays awake, until he's sure Zev's asleep, and then slides out of bed, and quietly leaves the room. He'd not heard Aaren come upstairs yet, and he needs to make sure that they don't ask Zev for anything to repay this.


Sure enough, Aaren's in the kitchen, finishing tidying. He looks up when Nova enters.

"Are you okay?" he asks, "Did you need something?"


He lowers his eyes. "I- no, sir. I just- wanted to- repay you."

He steps a little closer.


"Sweetheart, I've already told you, I don't-"


Nova's not really listening to what Aaren says, stepping closer again and sliding to his knees, reaching for Aaren's belt.

"I can make you feel good, sir," he promises. "You- you don't have to ask Zev to- I'll be good."


Aaren steps back sharply before Nova's hands can touch him. "Nova, no," he says, abrupt and forceful, regretting it immediately when Nova flinches. "You don't have to-"


"P-please, sir. I- we need to- need to earn our keep. And Zev doesn't- want to do that any more, and- and I don't mind. Really, m'used to it. Please let me-"

He's desperate and resigned and-


-That's not happening.

"It's okay," Aaren says (it's really not). "I- stay here."

He hurries up the stairs and knocks on Nova and Zev's door. (He swears to god, if Zev had sent Nova down to do this-)


Zev opens his eyes blearily. It feels like...seconds since he closed his eyes. Why does his hand feel so cold? What's that noise? 

When his brain catches up, he realises he's alone. He sits up abruptly, looking over to the bathroom. There's no light under the door, and he can't hear anyone inside it. 

His heart-rate skyrockets. Nova wouldn't- he- they're safe here, Aaren and 'Chelle haven't asked for-

God, the clothes. The...fuck, why didn't Zev think? Nova would never believe something was for free- 

Suddenly, Zev feels nauseous, as well as panicked, desperate- He rips the covers off the bed and runs straight to the door, tearing it open.


"Nova's downstairs," Aaren says without preamble, trying to keep his voice calm. He can see the panic in Zev, knows without a doubt that he didn't intend for Nova to do this. "You should go and bring him back to bed. And please tell him I'm not angry, but that I never want him to offer to pay me back again."


"He-" Zev's entire body goes cold. His hands start shaking. He wonders if he's truly here, or if he's back in the cult, watching as Nova's hands are forced to that man's belt and-

"I'll make sure." His voice doesn't even sound like his own. He goes to pass Aaren, shaking so hard it's a surprise to even him he's still standing.


He stops him with a gentle hand on his shoulder, pulling him into a quick hug. "This isn't your fault, Zev," he states seriously, before stepping back, and heading into his room at the end of the landing.


Zev doesn't hug back. He's not sure he even remembers how at this point.

That isn't true, he tries to reply to Aaren, but words aren't coming now either. If it was, this wouldn't be happening. Nova wouldn't- 
Zev's words choke on a sob in real life. 

Once Aaren is gone, Zev makes his very shaky way down the stairs, gripping to the bannister almost hard enough to break something. He wishes it would. He wishes he could break. 

He can see Nova in the kitchen. He walks over to him. "Come back upstairs. Please." Words are back, that's a good start but...why is his neck wet? Why-

...when did he start crying?


Nova's curled up, knees pulled up to his chest, sobbing into them. He flinches slightly at Zev's voice. "M'sorry," he manages miserably. "I just- m'sorry." (What if he'd messed this up? What if they didn't get to stay? Zev wanted to stay.)


"It's not your fault." Zev's voice is a devastated whisper. 

He bends down, holding out a hand. "Please come back upstairs."

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