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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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"We-we help each other? Right?"


"...yeah. Yes. We help each other."

Zev presses his forehead to Nova's again. He seems much better.


...This is good. This is nice.

Nova yawns.


Zev notices. 

"Come on," he says, pulling out of Nova's arms to take his hand and lead him over to the bed.


Nova follows him, still clinging to his hand.


Zev, one handed, pulled back the cover. He looked back at his and Nova’s joined hands. 

“I am...wondering about the logistics of this,” he said, sounding amused, which was a better feeling than the weight on his heart. 


Nova shrugs, ducking his head with a shy smile.


“This is possibly going to be the least graceful you’ve ever seen me. I apologise, profusely, in advance.”

Without dropping Nova’s hand, Zev clambers onto the bed, twisting to get himself under the covers without pulling Nova too much. 


Nova giggles quietly, and hesitantly slides in after him.


Once Nova’s in, Zev twists again to make sure the cover is pulled right over him. 

“Warm enough?”


"Mhmm," Nova hums sleepily - it's not entirely true, but this is warmest he remembers being.


It’s the warmest Zev’s been for a while, and he thinks most of it comes from the fact that for the first time since they escaped, Zev isn’t forcing himself to stay away from Nova, convinced that’s what he wants. 

Now, with Nova’s hand wrapped in his, and Nova looking close to sleep without being exhausted, he feels...better. 

“Te amo,” he says quietly, trying not to disturb Nova’s slip away into sleep. 


"Mmm. You too," he mumbles, snuggling closer.


Zev's smile beams at the idea that Nova knew what he was saying. A nice thought, something to be treasured. But he didn't. Not yet. 

"Get some sleep," he says gently.


"Mm. Y'too."


Well, that proved it. Zev had a feeling he could say anything at this point and that would be Nova's response. 

He listens though, and shifts a bit to get comfortable, bringing their joined hands close to his chest. He closes his eyes, and lets his breathing even out.


The next morning, there's a knock on their door. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead, breakfast is being served!"


Zev's been awake for a while, but hasn't moved, busy basking in warmth. 

Hearing Lan, though, pulls him out of day dreaming, staring at Nova's face. 

"Hear that? We're being summoned," he says to Nova, squeezing his hand.


Nova's been awake for a while too, just enjoying this, and not opening his eyes in case it spoiled the moment.


"I can tell him to go away. We can lie here pretending we don't know the other is awake for a bit longer."


Nova giggles. "Y'need to eat."


"You need to eat," he says, trying to sound petulant.


"You both need to eat, but feel free to ignore Lan!" 'Chelle calls, obviously on her way down the stairs.


"Well, if 'Chelle says it must be true."

He does not move.


Nova doesn't either, except to shuffle closer. He looks a little concerned, but isn't going to argue.

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