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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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He leans right back into Nova, tucking his head momentarily into Nova's shoulder. 

"Thank you, Aaren." He means the dinner, for giving them space, for giving them safety-

For protecting Nova.


"You're welcome," Aaren assures him. "I'm glad I can help."


"We all are," Lan says cheerfully. Pauses. Opens his mouth to say something, and then closes his mouth, straight up pouting.


'Chelle laughs, tickles his side, and leans back in her chair, stretching. "Mmm. That was good, thanks, Dad."


Zev smiles at 'Chelle, and half readies himself to take Nova back upstairs, but a glance at Lan makes him curious. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you," he says entirely in Spanish.


"The pleasure was all mine," Lan responds, flawlessly and without a pause.

He winks.



Zev offers him his best raised eyebrow, before turning back to Nova. "Back upstairs?"


He nods-


"I was gonna watch some nature documentaries if that's something you guys might be interested in?"


Nova almost brightens at that, but-

But Zev wants them to get back upstairs. He quickly squashes it.


Zev couldn't miss that brightness in Nova's eyes. His mouth broke out into a huge smile in response. He did dim it a bit, to respond to 'Chelle.

"That sounds fine."


"Oh, good, I needed to finish sorting your actual room. I found 'Chelle's baby pictures and got a bit distracted-"


"Okay, nature documentaries, now, before Dad pulls those downstairs to embarrass me!"

(She sounds strangely alright with that being an option though.)


Nova hesitates, looking at the dishes.


"Go ahead," Lan encourages. "I'll help Dad."


Zev is also eyeing the dishes, but only because for the first time he feels like he needs to pay Aaren and 'Chelle back. He shakes off the thought, he's only known them two days and they've consistently said that he and Nova are free to go at any time. 

"Mi vida," he says gently, coaxing Nova to follow him. 


Nova follows him, tucking tight against his side.


'Chelle skips ahead of them into the living room, scooping up the remote up on route to the far chair, flicking the TV on and immediately hitting for a different channel.

The rucksack is still exactly where Zev left it.


Zev also notices that. He makes a note to grab it when they leave. He remembers how uneasy he was about leaving it just this morning, and yet here it still is.

He flops down onto the sofa dramatically, pulling Nova down with him.


Nova makes a sound that could almost be a giggle, and cuddles into Zev's side. (He's allowed this, and he can't get enough of the soft, comforting touches.)


'Chelle throws a blanket over Zev's head with one hand.

"We have," she announces dramatically. "Lemurs, sharks, or...okay, that looks like economics of populations growth and the fact that we're overpopulating the planet. We have lemurs or sharks. Preferences?"


Zev looks to Nova for help, brows crossed hopefully.


...Either sounds good. He shrugs a little. "I- either? I don't-"


"You prefer I ask if Lan or Dad has a preference? Or just pick one? Lemurs are really cute, but sharks are incredible, they're like...the oldest known predator, and they've barely evolved in millennia."


"Lemurs." Zevran says as soon as 'Chelle says the word 'predator'. He tucks the blanket around him and Nova, cuddling into him as much as he did.

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