To His Grace Archduke Alfonso Blanxart, Respectful Greetings,

I was as surprised as any to see the pamphlets with your name on the 3rd, and did not hear of your death until word of your revival, on which my sincere condolences, as I have not heard it is a heartening experience. It suggested you might have reason for sympathy with one tarred by unpleasant associations with Hell, though certainly I have a far easier path to free myself of such than you, and have not at this time availed myself of it. Thus it is unsurprising that I was favorably disposed to you as of earlier this week.

Your conduct as a witness in the trial of Select Wain struck me as both fair and principled without any personal stake, traits I am unaccustomed to seeing in high nobility of any stripe or nation. That it was ultimately not decisive is besides the point, in my estimation. I would like to, therefore, offer to aid you in some way, likely within the Convention. I have my own principles and hold them stubbornly, so I will not promise to obey anything asked. But I will give you a promise I am accustomed to making with those who visited me as a priest and have not once violated, that on my honor and my Law I will not make you worse off for asking.

If it is any reassurance, know that I have dismissed my acolyte and shuttered my temple, and that I am waiting on certain magical investigations of fact to determine whether I should renounce Erecura myself. Chiefly, on whether it is true that Her confinement to Hell is imposed; if this is false and it is voluntary I will be a layman wizard again in short order.

Yours sincerely,

Delegate Theopho Lebanel,
Still-Empowered Priest of Erecura