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Do you think that approach will help him, ah, develop the emotional resources to value politeness and compromise, or to recognize that people can care about him while having overriding concerns?


I think it'll give me a better opening to try to explain, and that I can get through to him about this sort of thing more consistently than most people? Most kids pick this sort of thing up by immersion but I think he's much better attuned to explanations.


Can you send him in here, please?


"I talked to your father and he wants to talk to you in person," Bella tells Fëanáro. "...I may have suggested that if you didn't apologize to your mother yet that would be a perfectly reasonable condition to set on going back to the island. And by may have I mean I did that."

"I meant what I said to her, though," he says.


"They presumably don't want you to apologize for lying, so this is not an obstacle. They more likely would want you to apologize for losing your temper and hurting her feelings. You don't have to say every thing that you would mean if you said it and you particularly don't have to yell about it and I assume you do in fact regret doing that, even if not for ideal reasons, since they would've let you stay in the first place if you hadn't."


He makes a funny face. "I regret that it is true. Since it is true, I don't particularly wish I hadn't said it, since anyway if they'd have let me stay it'd have been only because they didn't know how I really was."


"Well, I don't know how exacting they are about precisely worded apologies but maybe you could say that you're sorry that you and your mother are having such trouble building a healthy relationship and for any part you have in that without specifying what part you think that is likely to be."


"I could say that."


"And it might work, so go talk to your parents."


He scampers off. Thank you, Rúmil says.


You're welcome. I hope it helps. I only sort of know what I'm doing.


As do all of us. You sort of know different things than anyone else.


On occasion I even know things uniquely applicable to Fëanáro.


Everyone knows that there's something wrong but you seem unusually good at identifying it, yes.


- every other adult's childhoods are really far away, she observes.


There weren't children born in the years the Valar fought Melkor, because it was so terrifying. The generation born in Valinor are all six hundred years younger than the next one.


Even if there were a bunch of recent adults they couldn't be as recent as I am, Bella says.


I suppose not, no. And you have a lot in common with him.


Fast-paced ambitious introverts unite!


He smiles. And get even faster-paced and more ambitious!


Yeah! she giggles. I don't know how long Fëanáro's going to talk to his parents for, I could go relay his question to Mahtan or just hang out and see if I can throw a ceramic since he left this lump of clay here conveniently presquashed.


You should try it! It really is useful for prototyping. Nerdanel was here when Mahtan was talking to the King and she could do all sorts of useful things with it.


Prototyping what? asks Bella, sitting at the wheel like Fëanáro was doing and tentatively prodding the clay.


Anything you'd want to do in metal, mostly, since that's harder to shape afterwards. She was trying to show Fëanáro some ways one could improve the typewriter.

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