So how goes contact with the Outer Lands? Visiting spells should be done soon.
...You'd think Mandos or one of his Maiar could publish announcements.
Well, that seems like a reasonable compromise.
Visiting spells and classes and etherscaping and oh look she can now summon and send people in and out of Valinor!
Visiting spells and classes and etherscaping and oh look she can now summon and send people in and out of Valinor!
Sorry, Fëanáro. Unlike running around loose in Valinor this would in fact be dangerous.
Entirely reasonable.
She can give Outer Lands residents souvenirs! Earwires, say. Crystal balls; she can patch the ethernet to reach.
She can give Outer Lands residents souvenirs! Earwires, say. Crystal balls; she can patch the ethernet to reach.
Well, the buildings being farther inland is something. It's not cosmetic changes she's looking to make but they at least indicate that she's successfully making changes.
She goes through some of her old notes one day and asks Fëanáro if he ever made or still wants the personal space spell.
She goes through some of her old notes one day and asks Fëanáro if he ever made or still wants the personal space spell.
"Yes, I have heard that you are good at it. Let's see, who did I hear that from."
Would he like it on an object? A ring, maybe, turned one way when people should bounce off and the other when he will accept hugs.
...Probably! This would be the first attempt at combining the magic systems in a single thing. What does the ring currently do?
"Okay. So let's see what we can find staring at it with wizard detections and then we can try to graft a spell onto it too."