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"Like Dad."


"...A little, yeah."


He's bunching up the fabric covering Rúmil's head. "Dad's not going to be stuck forever. He spent a thousand years there and only twenty here."


"I hope you're right."


And he keeps reading.


And Bella keeps supplying vocabulary.

Eventually he starts slipping down the back of Rúmil's neck.

Fëanáro, Rúmil says, have you slept since you got the books?

he says. Mmm'not tired.

Rúmil says, standing and picking him up. To Bella: I'm taking him to bed.

Bella collects up all the books in a stack to leave in his room and follows.


His room is enormous, windowless, and virtually empty, except for stacks and stacks of unopened presents in one corner. He's already sleeping by the time they reach it. He also hasn't let go of the fabric in his hands. Rúmil disentangles himself and sets Fëanáro in bed.


Bella puts the books on the floor by the bed in their stack and tiptoes out.


That was good for him, I think. It's not often I see him so happy. Are you all right? It's been an eventful few days.


I'm okay. ...I'm hungry, though.


We should go out into King's Square and get some prepared food, he says cheerily, they have all kinds of tasty things.


Sounds like a plan. How long do you think it'll take for Miriel to get here and do you think Finwë would rather be warned she's on her way?


Four days, on foot. And I intend to speak with him this evening. You said, last time, that how we should have done the conversation about therapeutic needs was that you told me what you needed to be effective and I figured out how to explain those things to him. I think we should learn and do that, this time.


That's a good plan. I'm limited in what I can say about the specific case, obviously.


Yes. Just in terms of what you need from him. Is that 'I need Miriel kept away from me'? 'I need your word that no matter what she says you won't order me to reverse it'?


I think it's probably best if she's kept away from me but I don't think she's actually going to attack me and if she does I can knock her unconscious. ...I might need permission to do that though. If it would make him feel better to see what happens when I undo the procedure and Miriel doesn't mind the supervision, I'm not actually unwilling to do that, supervised sessions are okay with patient consent, but fully-informed-Miriel decided on the once a month schedule and I don't think it will do long-term good if not-fully-informed-Miriel has an obvious step to take to get it pushed earlier.


He nods. All right. I can communicate all of that. Thank you.


You're welcome.


You've done so much for her already.


Bella can't really comment on that beyond - Thanks.


They reach King's Square and are bombarded with offers of food - some served on a stick, some in a napkin, some on elaborate porcelain plates which the seller entreats them to bring back once they've eaten.


Bella is in a mood for food-on-a-stick today! But the plates are pretty and she says so.


They circle around the great fountain in the center of the square, eating roasted food-on-a-stick and watching children splash each other in the fountain.

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