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Oh dear. She tries to gently explain that she has to be wearing the shoes she's wearing, when it's shoes, and eventually has carrying capacity as an excuse. Definitely have to find out about regifting.


When she obviously can't carry any more food, people start inviting her to events! Theatre productions! Musical performances! Someone invites her to a wedding!


Aaaaaaah she needs to ask Rúmil about the etiquette of all this as soon as possible but the best she can come up with on the spot - how are you even supposed to make it to theater things on time when they don't have timepieces, come half a day early and mill around?! - is to thank them for inviting her in as noncommittal yet delighted a fashion of possible.


This gets a good reaction, at least.

Oh good.

And she eats her gift food and goes and drops things off at her houseplot and tries to sort it into halfway sensible piles and draws a tentative floorplan and then flees palaceward looking for Rúmil.

Hello, Bella, he thinks as she walks through the doors.


Hello I need to know about gift etiquette if I am ever going to be out of doors in this city please.


Oh, you poor thing. Don't tell people their gifts are ugly, of course. You can give things to people they're better suited for, but you can only do that if you genuinely think "this is beautiful but I'm the wrong person for it", you shouldn't get rid of ugly things that way. What else?


Invitations to events. A total stranger invited me to a wedding! I'm not even totally sure it was her own!


Most events are public, it's not like there's a shortage of space or food or singing to go around. If you were invited to a wedding you should probably make sure it was by the bride or groom, though.


I settled on 'thanking them for inviting me and saying absolutely nothing about whether I'd show up' but I don't see how you even coordinate events when there's no timekeeping. I guess you could schedule things for shortly after the light changes and that could get you close enough as long as it was set up early enough, but otherwise how does it work?


Things generally just last a week, so it's hard to accidentally miss them.


With a wedding you could miss the vows! If weddings here have vows. Maybe they don't. And if it's a play you could miss half the story!


The vows at our weddings are private, spoken immediately before the marriage itself. I think plays are generally told as epics, and most everyone knows all the stories, so you can arrive at any moment and see something familiar.


I can't!


You're right. We'll have to go to a play at the beginning sometime. Perhaps we should just invent timepieces; I'm sure they'll be popular once they exist.


I guess sundials wouldn't work here. Well, they wouldn't unless they were magic. Hourglasses will. And maybe I can figure out the enchantment on magic mirrors and crystal balls, those have the time in them. I don't know anything about clockwork...


We can experiment!


She laughs. And we'll need a time system that isn't based on the sun. Since there isn't a sun.


We can make one of those, if it's important.


That'll probably take ages and the trees do something close enough. I have a spell that lasts exactly six seconds, if we want to build up from that and copy my plane's basic measurements that aren't 'a day'.


I have no objections. Writing first, though.


Yeah. Did you tell Finwë about Miriel?


I did! He's overjoyed she's up and managed to be talked around to the position that he shouldn't tell you to change it early, though we both agreed he'll change his mind about that when she actually begs him and that you and I will go back to Lórien before that point so that he can't do so, and see if we observe the improvement that I noted once it becomes apparent to her that this isn't possible to pursue.


I guess if I can teleport and she can't I can just stay ahead of her until she gives up, yeah.

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