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Is there a good way for someone to notify me if Miriel wants me or should I just limit him to a few hours and come back then?


Probably best to do that. Miriel will in any event be pleased you're with her son.


So Bella goes and pokes the tree with the leaf, then pockets the leaf.

And the garden changes around her, gets less shady and magical and more cultivated and in the middle of a palace courtyard.


Bella pockets the leaf and goes looking for the entrance.


There are at least three.


The first one she finds will do, as long as it's not locked or anything.


Elves do not seem to have invented locks yet!

Hopefully that isn't just an oversight and people are allowed in this way! But! If it turns out she was supposed to use a different door she probably won't learn this lesson via being deprived of an extremity or spending a week in lockup!


Oh, good, you're here. I thought you probably wouldn't come, because you said I could keep the book and then took it.


Did you wind up getting the other books I left in my house plot?


I'm not allowed to leave the palace. I ordered someone to but she said she couldn't find it.


Oh. Sorry, I thought you'd be able to get ahold of them. I needed the specific book I loaned you first, like I explained; I wasn't expecting that when I said you could borrow it. Where are you and where's your Ata, I should let him know I'm here.


One of the loud rooms, I don't know. You can tell him later. Stay here and teach me to read.


I'm going to tell him I'm here. Then I will go get my books from my houseplot. Then I will come find you and teach you to read. This'll go faster if you tell me where he is.


No. You'll just leave again. If you want to teach me to read, stay and teach me to read now.


Well, I did want to teach you to read but you're not making it seem very appealing if you're going to boss me around and not help me find someone I want to find.


Then leave, I don't care.


I think you probably care. She goes looking for Finwë in the same room where she found him last time.


He's not there, but someone is happy to point her in the right direction.


Bella thanks them and goes looking.


The King is in the agreed-upon location. Thank you for coming, Bella. How is Miriel?


Asleep, when I left. I can't go into much detail. Lorien made me a thing that will let me travel between the garden and your courtyard instantly, so I came back to give Fëanáro a lesson, although I'm afraid he's in a bad mood now because I wanted to find you before starting.


He's always in a bad mood, it's not your fault. The Valar are generous and I am glad of it. You can stop if Fëanáro becomes too much of a distraction. His mother's recovery would probably help him anyway.


All right. I thought I'd go fetch my other books from my house plot since he said he hadn't been able to get hold of them, then start. Should I check in with you whenever I come by or is that unnecessary?

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