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"Good point, over the course of forever people will probably get around to all kinds of things they don't try to fit in."


He looks satisfied. "You worry that I'll be a bad god."


"Most of them are," she points out. "All the way up through 'mediocre'."


"But they're not trying. The Valar are what gods look like when they're trying and they've only known us for a few years and they haven't done anything as bad as the gods in your world all do."


"That does seem to be true, although sometimes I wonder if some of the gods in my world did try and then gave up."


"Well, you can't think I'd give up."


"...I think you might get distracted," she says slowly.


"Even if all I did was get rid of all the bad gods and then I forgot to help everyone because I wanted to learn all the languages in the universe or something, and no one reminded me because they were scared of me, there still wouldn't be any bad gods and science would work and people could make their own lives better."


"That's true. Well, if you did the science part somehow. It's not gods doing that."

"I'll figure it out.

And I don't think I'd get distracted, not while there were children crying because their mothers were going to die."

Bella hugs him.

He hugs her back. He is clinging a little.


Well, then she can put him on her lap and go on hugging him when she says, "Your father said it would be fine for you to learn safe cantrips. I know a spell that does a few seconds of illusion sound and I think you could use it to pronounce Valar words."


He bounces, again, even though this kind of involves kicking her. "Really? He did? I want to learn! Show me!!"


"Ow," she says mildly.


"I thought he wouldn't! I thought he'd say it was too dangerous! How do I learn?"


"You kicked me," she says.


"Not on purpose, I was just really excited."


"It would be nice of you to apologize even though it was an accident."


"Are you not going to teach me?"


"I'm going to keep suggesting that you should apologize for kicking me first, for sure."


"I apologize for kicking you now will you teach me?"


She will call that good for now. She puts him off her lap and gets up and fetches the relevant scroll. "All right. Want to see me cast it first?"


He nods.

She pulls a bit of wool out of her bag. "Some spells have a material component, which is a bit of something specific to the spell that you have to have on hand and disappear as part of the casting. This one does wool or wax, and wool's pleasanter to carry around so that's what I use, yesterday I went and got a bunch off a sheep. Spells also sometimes have magic words or gestures; this one has both."

And she casts and six seconds of music play.
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