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And now it is flinging Huan, though apparently not hurting him; he lands and rolls and lunges back.

Ooh. If that didn't hurt, she can safely hit harder.

So she does.

She can move him, she can't really dent him. He gets faster with the aerial acrobatics and comes back faster, but still can't scratch her.


This is fun, and an utterly fascinating challenge of just the kind Thor likes best, and the storm still patiently gathers above their heads, and soon she will have lightning to play with.


Huan will wait to do music until then. This is fun!



Lightning splashes, when it hits him, and some goes through him but much of it bounces off and if he shakes himself the current will run off him like rivulets of water. And now he howls again and the world shakes Thor.

Thor clings to her hammer, which declines to shake.

They've accumulated a bit of an audience by now, and spectating Asgardians are somewhat confused about why Thor is fighting a magic dog, but she's definitely having fun, so no one's about to complain.

Lightning! Hammer! Dramatic swirling clouds!

Dodging! Weathering! Leaping! Biting, with a bit of magic to actually get a grip on Thor's armor!

More hammer seems like a good way to detach a magic dog from one's leg!

And if she can get Huan between the hammer and the ground, perhaps she can do more than fling him a ways—?

She can smash a dog-shaped crater into the ground. He takes a few seconds to shake that off but then he's up again and leaping at her face.


Dog and face probably aren't a good combination. Thor dodges, and swings the hammer, and summons more lightning from the sky.


The next song makes him a blur of dog, and he barrels into her.


She's flung a considerable distance, lands awkwardly, recovers in the next moment, and takes to the sky. Lightning? Lightning.


Huan can't fly. Huan doesn't have obvious avenues to knock her down, either. He can start idly licking his paws again.


She soars up and up and then comes back down again, like she did at the beginning of the fight, but much faster and wreathed in crackling lightning.


And he leaps at her so they meet in midair, hard.


Hammer! Lightning! Gleeful laughter! (The gleeful laughter is not combat-effective but it is still very important.)


Everything is going to go radiantly, searingly bright, and Huan is going blur-of-dog again, lighting rolling like water off his pelt.


The force of impact is immense. Both combatants are thrown away from it, Huan back down to the ground, Thor back up to the sky. She turns around and comes down again immediately, sending lightning chasing after Huan since lightning, unlike Thor, is still faster than a blurred dog.


And the blur of dog has to slow down, slightly, to weather it, but then twists around and leaps again.


And another impact and she circles back again. They could keep going like this for a while, Thor trying to maneuver to smash Huan against the ground again, Huan shrugging off lightning strikes in the meantime, extensive damage being done to the surrounding landscape but nothing reaching as far as the spectators.


Well that's fun, so why not keep it up? He's slowly letting the background music get stronger and louder, though.


Thor has picked up on enough about magic music to be wary of this development but she doesn't have a good way to reliably interrupt him, at least not if lightning alone won't do it.


Lightning will - disrupt it, scatter it, slow it down, but even a continuous stream of lightning won't stop it. When it's intensified enough he bounds into the sky at Thor and soars. It is not flying, but it makes flying much less of an advantage.

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