
These ancient crypts and dungeons are treacherous in more ways than one, but with the instincts of a seasoned delver, there is often something useful to be found... Gold, magic, occasionally a Bane or other nastiness. Today, one of those damnable portal mirrors. She calls forth the Wyld to throw off its trapped effect, and there's a twisted knot of unreality. The mirror shatters, but not before depositing someone before her small party. Drummond the Smith raises his hammer in preparation, and the wily fox who didn't give her name has already moved into th shadows, so a party of two, armed, peer anxiously into the dispersing energies...

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He is on his way to respond to a violent incident at the Adventurer's Guild when he feels a strange tug—it's like nothing he's felt before—


And there's a shock of cold, and he's somewhere unfamiliar, blanketed in something. His swords are in his hands in an instant. [Evasive Leap][Assess Room].


A dark hall of stone ruin sixty feet by a hundred, unclear what purpose it might have served once. The room has been looted, with several obvious spots where jewels were pried out, probably recently. It's a nice open spot for a fight, a few stone blocks for low cover and a hallway at either end and a sinkhole in a corner. There are mirrors along the walls, eerily clean and clear. The one he is in front of is shattered and there's an aura of dispersing energy. Most of the light comes from the rabbit's torch but there are blue glowing stones in the ceiling. She's wearing understated armor. The minotaur with a giant warhammer next to her is unarmored. Her parasol obviously has a hidden weapon, too. There's probably someone hidden here, a third party member, by how they're standing.


His leap takes him to the ceilig above the mirror, and he slams his fingers into the stone, anchoring him in place. It looks like a dungeon. An adventuring party. Can he [Appraise Foe] whatever is in the missing spot? They've seen him already, but they're not hostile, not expecting him—they would be better prepared if this were a trap.


"Identify yourself," he says. His voice is staccato, insectile.


That Foe he Appraises definitely has some kind of thief or spy ability, but is not a major threat to him in combat.

A person. That's- Much better news than she was expecting. 

"-Amber, the Far Seeker. Of the Rabbit Clan. I don't mean to fight if you don't- Thought the damn mirror would summon a Bane. And yourself, sir ceiling leaper?"


He lets himself down, though he does not sheathe his swords just yet.

"I am Klbkch, Prognugator of the Free Hive of the Antinium and Senior Guardsman of the City of Liscor. I have no reason to fight you. Where is this place? What is a Bane and why did you expect to summon it?"


"This is a dungeon of the Worm, an ancient species associated with the Rot that has lately troubled Armello. I had hoped to find useful treasures to take to the surface and assist in resolving the current crisis. As for Banes, they are the monsters of the Rot, which are each terrible to confront but can be overcome by a strong and prepared party. The mirror... Seems to have pulled you here, when I would ordinarily expect it to summon a Bane when the trap activated. My apologies for the counterspell that failed and inadvertently kidnapped you."

A contrite bow.

"A guard, a noble profession indeed. I have not heard of the Antinium or Liscor but naturally I will do what I can to assist in your return. We'll have to visit the Gladding Library, perhaps? Oh. Do come on out, Ms. Mask."

The thief type emerges from the shadows, wearing a heavy hood and a brass mask. They curtsey.


[Rogues] and [Thieves] are irritating. He has been informed that his is hypocritical for an [Assassin]. However, he is now also a [Guardsman]; therefore, this opinion is justified.

He will of course not show this. He nods at them.

"I am unfamiliar with almost all of the terms you said. What continent are we on?"

An accidental spell which kidnaps him across great distances is... he would have called it impossible before today, based on his preconceptions of the limits of magic, but he does not know enough to countenance the claim here and now. It is unlikely that this is the method by which their enemies might attempt to destroy him. He will play along for now.


"The continent, so far as I know, is also called Armello as the Kingdom is."


"I have never heard of the continent or kingdom." Troubling. "Do you know the names of other continents?"

He will sheathe his swords.


"There is a continent to the far east sometimes called Mistral or the Dragon Continent. Otherwise, I'm afraid not. Distant travel has been dangerous for some time."


"I have not heard of those either. I know of five continents, all of which have semi-reliable travel and trade with each other, so this is not one of those five by a different name. This is concerning."


"An understatement. Are you perhaps from another Realm entire? I have read old legends that say the Druids are from multiple worlds."


"I have not encountered the concept of other realms or worlds as a real phenomenon. Why do you believe this is the case, and not that there are simply uncontacted continents?"


"I would give it at least one in three. The Wyld does all manner of exceedingly strange things, and Druids are said to be masters of wielding it."


"Can you explain 'the Wyld'? I am aware of [Druids], but have not heard of the Wyld, although [Druids] are secretive with their abilities."


"Ah... The Wyld is difficult to interpret. The Wyld is what spellcasters of all stripes call upon for their working. Those who listen to the world and feel it, and cast their feelings forth in turn.  A weave connecting all living spirits and the world. Some attribute it a personality, others deride this as - inherited from the people it touches, or the same thing as the tendency to declare a storm 'angry' when it is but the result of wind and humidity. There are places where it is strong, and places where the Rot acts much the same way but in reverse. The Wyld heals, the Rot consumes. The Wyld grows forests full of lush trees and spirit stones, the Rot produces corrupted swamps full of plague and curses. The Wyld makes one calm and passive, the Rot makes one paranoid and vindictive. I'd rather not rely overmuch on either Wyld or Rot, if I can- Either one is an outside factor that tugs at one's thoughts and actions, a tool that is also chains."


"Your description of the Wyld aligns with the little I understand of druids. Your description of the Rot is unfamiliar."

It's not the corruption of Rhir, though it almost sounds like it. These are not the characteristics a describer would find most notable of it.

"How do I find this 'Gladding Library'?"


"You would come to the surface with us and take a letter of introduction back to the good city of Mossberg. Though they have been forgetful of their old debts lately and a mere letter from me might not be sufficient."


"Is the city easy to locate and the road navigable for a foreign traveler? What would be sufficient to secure the relevant assistance?"


"I would not say the road is especially navigable, alas. Strangers- Especially strangers of the less usual kins, meaning non-mammals- Are liable to be mistrusted and for good reason in these times. I would naturally vouch for you and provide a steady wage should we judge it mutually beneficial to travel together. We could always use another obviously capable warrior, and as a Guardsman you could well have skills that assist in investigations and rooting out trouble. I am on the way to investigate and hopefully solve a murder, in fact, in Goodwell. Mossberg is a day's travel north of Goodwell in normal times, likely two now. I would write you a letter of recommendation for naught more than whatever assistance you can provide in the trouble in Goodwell, and come in person to assist your investigation if we reach a slightly longer term arrangement."



The Hive will not fall apart immediately in his absence, but every day spent away incurs a measurable cost. His Queen will be displeased.

He has gold on him. His experience tells him that it may be offensive to offer to buy a letter of recommendation, especially to those who style themselves as respectable and important, which certainly sounds the case if her recommendation carries weight.

"If the investigation is unlikely to take more than a week, not including travel, that is an acceptable arrangement. My specializations are in conflict resolution and city defense, but I have truth detection, the [Detect Guilt] Skill, and some forensic experience."


"The investigation is unlikely to take more than a week. If it does, we'll have to give it up as a bad job and investigate one of the dozen other crises plaguing Armello."


"Then I accept."

He looks around.

"Are you here for a particular reason?"


"Very good. I look forward to helping each other reach our goals! ...It was on the way, and good equipment is expensive so we were taking old gold and jewels too, and there might have been a real artifact. It's said that Wilhelm, the Lunar Reaper, was last seen entering this very dungeon. His weapon is a legend. But I think we're done for the day. No tempting the Rot more than we must."



"Should we expect danger on the way out? I would appreciate an overview of your kingdom as well, once we are traveling."

(The "dozen other crises" does not sound promising.)

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