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The guards want to surround Weiss and walk with her into the city.

The hunter-cop is arguing with them.




How about (a pretty real-to-life image of me) stands here very unimpressed while the real me is about ten feet away looking for the best path out of the fucking ambush.


When she creates the illusion, one of the guards shouts something and the others put their hands on weapons.


The hunter-cop shouts something very loudly, a vein bulging in his neck.


...The cops retreat to a respectable distance.


The hunter-cop looks around--not at the visible illusion--and then his eyes flicker to the ground and back up to where she is (but his eyes are unfocused; he can't see her directly).

He raises his hands unthreateningly.


Yes yes she's right here, a foot away from where it looked like she was.


(Terrified, annoyed, and a teensy bit betrayed.)

"You don't want me? Fine, I'll fuck off into the forest."


He still can't speak her language, but he can take a big step away and speak low and slow.


The thing is, she maybe can't, actually, escape these people. They have absurd amounts of magic. Hunter guy found her trivially. Even if she retreats to the Woods, who knows if they can't find her there too? These people are SO MAGICAL. There's a dozen or more of them, invisible, enough that she can't actually keep track of them all through the vibrations! WTF.

The smart ones are always the most dangerous.

It's fucking terrifying. She can feel them all, lurking there. Menacingly. She can barely think. All she can do is puff herself up and twitch minutely at every suspicious motion or cough as if it will start the fox hunt.


The hunter-cop growls something at the other cops and they all leave, including, after more words are spoken, the invisible ones.

He runs his hand through his hair and keeps trying to apologize. 


She hugs her own tail and uses illusions to indicate that she totally knew about all the invisible people. She doesn't have an accurate count, though.

Like. Thinking about it a bit more rationally-

-They don't seem to know what kitsune are? Or have a wrong idea, maybe? It's-


-She puts up an illusion of that red-armored Captain type and a thought bubble emerging from her head, and in that thought bubble, herself, smiling and glowing softly, and standing just aside and under it, a pale vampiress cackling and with blood on her skeletal, clawed hands.

Herself in chains at an interrogation table, being yelled at and pointed at angrily. And three branches off from that- Of them letting her go with suspicious looks, of them throwing her in a barred cell, and of them drawing a sword and lunging forward to her-

And it all vanishes in a poof after a bit.

"I get it. I get it. You gotta- Check, right? But that doesn't make it any less scary!"


The hunter-cop nods sympathetically. 

It seems like the trip into the city has been delayed, even though you're so close to your destination; the hunter-cop isn't walking from where he's at.


After a (fairly) brief intermission, the red-armored captain-type comes down the road with two other people. One of them is dressed in gleaming white armor, and walks in the front of the group. He stops sixty feet away before saying something--possibly that it's safe for others to approach? 

The other is dressed like a priest, and approaches closer before offering a hand for her to take.


The hunter-cop gives Weiss a thumbs up, and a hopefully reassuring smile.


Deep breath. Get over yourself. Was the fucking centipede any less scary? ...It was, actually. Yeah, the centipede was less scary.

Humu, where was she going with that... Like, what now even...

She wishes Tessa were here; Tessa would hate this even more, but she could throw the runes and get a fucking answer...

A lot of this song and dance doesn't make sense if this is... Some elaborate trick.

She doesn't usually think about the humans a whole lot. They do their thing, she does hers, she doesn't bother them. They're convenient sweets, fruit, and pie dispensers in exchange for animals she's hunted or scaring off nasties. Occasionally she warns them off cursed ground, or something. But-

-These humans force her to think of them as... Peers. It's kind of embarrassing to realize that, that at some point she stopped considering them, important, agentic. Maybe her morality is just habit.

They're scared. But trying to trust. So should she.

She grits her teeth and shuts her eyes and extends her hand.


"...and that's Share Language cast, you've got 24 hours of Taldane starting now."


"I'm sorry for the fright we've given you," are the first words out of his mouth after the spell's been cast.




"This is- Strange. Uh."

She runs it over in her head. It's distinctly not like Charm. She's not sure what it is like, though.

"-I understand that you're being careful? I could be anyone. It's just- Scary."


"I'm abashed to say that instincts like those will serve you well on this plane of existence. Speaking of which - where are you from?"


"We, kitsunes- No? That word isn't quite right? We just called the two planes we could access the Spirit Plane and the Material Plane."


"If the translation spell's worth the money I paid on it, the Material Plane is where you're currently at."

He looks to the red-armored captain-type (with some amount of petulance). "Do you know anything about... 'kitsunes'?"


(So she isn't an azata, then, nor an agathion. The Field Marshall will try her level best to keep the I-told-you-so off her face.)


(Okay, but, more importantly, neither is she a CR 20 evil demon, which is what he knew for sure she wasn't.)


(It'd be bad form to argue with that when in this case your approach worked better than mine and at any rate I doubt I could convey my nuanced position purely via facial expression so let's pick this back up at some later date.)

"Kitsune are a race of shapechangers, of Tien extraction, with two forms: a humanoid, all but indistinguishable from any other, and an anthropomorphic fox--bipedal, five fingers to a hand, but hairy with a snout." The implication is that this isn't a kitsune and the translation spell's on the fritz. "I don't know what the Spirit Plane is--possibly the Ethereal? I might be able to ID it with more details." I'd ask a wizard, but you sent my staff away.


"I can see why that's the closest available word, I guess. I can pull willing people into my little pocket of the Spirit Plane if you want to see!"

It occurs to her that volunteering information about her capabilities is probably a bad idea if these people turn out hostile again.

"-Uh, you don't trust me, right. Anyway, the rifts are a known thing for us, rare but known, so I'm definitely somewhere strange. All I really want to do is not be menaced by hippogriffs and buy pies, though?" Here's the string of gold coins again! She snatches it from midair into a hand. "Maybe kill some gribblies later if they're uncomplicatedly evil? All I really want to do today is not be menaced by hippogriffs and buy food."

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