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...Birdknights arrayed on walls against a horde of gribblies (wendigo, werewolf wearing blood and skulls, some kind of ooze, that one really horrible 40-foot armored centipede), looking very shiny and determined? 

Bident thing flying on banners above the walls? 

Birdknights letting lizardfolk and humans and elves and a kitsune with their ears and tail out and birdfolk and a warforged(?) pass? And a headtilt.


Birdknights arrayed on walls against a horde of gribblies: gets smiles and an arrested nod and thumbs up and then he stops doing the thumbs up because who knows if that's a rude gesture where she's from.

Bident thing flying on banners above of the walls: causes him to pinch his nose. He tries drawing a person in fancy regalia (he pays a lot of attention to the details of the regalia) holding the bident thing in one hand (it's small) and a sort of spirally-thing in the other.

Birdknights letting lizardfolk and humans and elves and a kitsune with their ears and tail out and birdfolk and a warforged(?) pass: discomfort and a so-so hand gesture and then Taldane and then, smiles and thumbs up and headnodding. He taps the badge on his shoulder and says something.


She nods along when he does, and fusses up an illusion of the guy with the regalia as he goes.

So, there's a king who wields the bident and something else, and he's with the cops, but they're not necessarily super racist ones. That's a lot better than the alternative. Things could even end up being Fine(TM). It's not like she has any particular reason to suspect humans who aren't immediately hostile about kitsune.

...Sheesh, learning a new language, again, is going to be such a pain.

Her tail sways thoughtfully...

She waves her tail forward, next to her head, and shakes it. A small pile of tian-looking coins on strings falls out.


He smiles broadly and says something that she can't understand.

He'll scoop up the coins and mimes pocketing them to see if that draws a protest?


...Wait what that's not what she was going for at all. She whaps her tail over the coins and they vanish into the fur again as he reaches for them.

What was she going for? She's not really sure. She seems to end up doing random things when aimless.

Uhh... Illusion of a ... Oh, fuckit.

Illusion of giant fox shifting into her base form and walking into the city and trading a Tian-y silver coin for a pie from a blankfaced stall owner and the cop standing nearby conspicuously not hassling her?


That gets big smiles and nods.


Alright then. She shifts - there's a brief moment of faint unreality-feeling - and then gives a shrug in her usual leather and linen light travelling outfit. (Barefoot.)

"Here we go, I guess?" She points towards the city.


He points at the city and smiles. He draws a signal horn... and mimes blowing into it. He taps his ears and winces.


"Pfffha. I can handle loud noises." She flicks her ears in amusement and waves negligently. "Letting the other cops know I'm not hongry for zee bluud?"


He doesn't know what she said, but must have gotten the gist, because he blows into the horn. 

He starts walking in the direction of the city.


And if she jogs ahead, faster than a walk?


He can move faster to keep up! The hunter is comfortable moving a third-again as fast as most humans; in a group, he's not used to being the one who sets the pace.


Fast jog for her (60 feet per round) it is, then. She doesn't try more talking, that's proven useless so far. 

She diverts a tad, to the beach, though.


It's a nice day.

There are birdknights come circling (and a hippogriff without a rider, although that might be difficult to tell from below if you don't know the hippogriff in question).

The hunter isn't afraid of the birdknights but does seem annoyed by them. He monitors Weiss's own response.


Sus, but she's person shaped now, and vouched for, so only ready to go invisible and bolt again if they dive.


He waves the hippogriffs off and they reluctantly fly back to the city.

He gives her an apologetic smile and says more words she can't understand.


Shrug. Cops are gonna cop. At least this guy's (presenting as) a cool cop.


In approaching the walls of the city, you must pass fields and houses. In passing fields and houses, you must acquire an entourage of curious Korvosans. 

Some of them are skittish, but for the most part they seem excited by the strange woman with fox ears. They hound your cop escort with questions.


The answers to which must not be reassuring, because they tend to send the skittish on their way, and inspire adults to drag away their children.

He does seem apologetic about it in her direction, though.


Steady on. All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.


You're stopped on the road by an unassuming group of guardsmen who want to check the Commandant for enchantments with detect magic.

It's possible that the visible guardsmen are backed up by a number of invisible wizards and archers.


Is this really necessary?


Somebody somewhere must think so.


Well, at any rate he hasn't been enchanted. 


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