fruit salad of the poisoned tree
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Raimon is flung out of the building with some force he feels is really unnecessary - it's not like he can't walk - and lands on his ass on the path outside, blinking in the sun.

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Alicia is also hurried out. She might have made her prosecutor less personally uncomfortable but it turns out they really don't like song sorcerers for some reason.


She takes a few nervous steps out of the building, half-expecting to be dragged back at any moment, and then she sees Alicia and Raimon several paces away and breaks into a run towards them.




"Hi, Victòria. Do you know what's going on, because I don't."



"They didn't tell me anything, they just said — the Queen was Lawful and just and Good, so they were letting me go — I have some guesses but they're not very good guesses —  I'm really sorry, I was hoping you'd gotten away in time, I didn't tell them anything about you but Valia said they were reading our minds—"


"Oh, I'd been on my way out of town, en route to Egorian with a mail run, but they arrested me with a teleporting enchanter, and then in the middle of our lovely conversation suddenly decided I was free to go."


The Queen is sending teleporting enchanters to arrest random people who didn't do anything wrong but couldn't send them to go deal with the Asmodean priests?? Ten minutes ago that would've made perfect sense but then the Queen let her go so now it's just very confusing. Maybe the teleporting enchanter is a new hire, or something.

Glance at Alicia. "Did they explain anything to you?"


"No, and we really shouldn't be talking about this in front of the prison since that's making it easier for them to listen in. They pretended to let me off earlier to try to trick me into signing a fake confession, maybe it's the same trick."


Victòria is pretty sure they already have all the information they could possibly need to have her tortured to death, but she's happy to follow Alicia to wherever she suggests.


"If you need something to eat, we could try the cafe Isarn, but I also have a meeting room at the Domique house for somewhere a bit more private."

The former has the advantage that Raimon is the only person she knows who might be able to spot a scrying sensor, but it might also get him in more trouble so there are tradeoffs in both directions.


"I'm actually ravenous, they didn't get around to feeding me and I'm going to need to intercept the note for my mother asking her to do it."


"I like the Cafe Isarn, but they'd definitely be able to eavesdrop if they wanted to. Could we maybe get some food there and take it to the Domique house?"


Sure, they can pick up some food en route; they're not too far apart because she didn't want to spend too long walking every day. Before long the can arrive at the private room she rented; since she paid in advance and the owners had no idea she was arrested, it's not even slightly awkward to get by. She locks the door, sweeps the room for scrying sensors or invisible people who are bad at hiding, and then finally sits down at one of the tables.



"So I don't know that we've actually been introduced, I'm Raimon."


Blink. "—Alicia mentioned you to me a few days ago? She said you'd be a good person to talk to about the copying spell."


"Alicia. Victoria and I know each other from the Diabolism committee, I'm a lay follower of Shelyn."

She blinks at Victoria's response.

"...I was talking about Raimon Queralt, at the cafe Isarn."


Snort. "There's lots of Raimons. I'm Pages. Though I can also Scriven, if it matters!"


"Oh. ...I don't know which one that is, I didn't ask anyone's name there."


"Is that the fellow who likes to call people things like 'Citizen Avenger'?"


"Yep, that's the one. I don't know if he does them himself or just knows a guy but he always has the new pamphlets and plenty of copies of them, so whatever it is clearly works."

She shakes her head to refocus.

"Right. So, what happened to you Victoria? Bearing in mind that if you aren't sure if something is a crime you should keep quiet about it, since this isn't that private."



"Uh, a couple of guards came to arrest me at my inn, and I didn't think I could fight them off without hurting anyone else by accident, so they took my holy symbol and brought me to that building. And then this nice friendly woman came and asked me some questions about helping to write Valia's speech. And I told her that it was legal, and that it was wrong for the Queen to arrest her for it, and she should quit her job and stop working for someone Evil. —I don't know if the Queen is Evil anymore, I thought she was at the time, but I guess maybe she really isn't if she let us go. Uh, I'm not sure how to talk about the next part without talking about crimes...?"


"I gave you a tour of one of my old haunts!" suggests Raimon brightly. "And we made a donation to the Church of Nethys!"


She starts trying to piece it together before she stops herself. She doesn't need to know and shouldn't ask.

"I'd say they must have disliked it a lot to send a teleport enchanter after you, but they sent a teleporter after me and I wasn't involved with your bit. I'd guess that they went after Victoria and I for the speech, then learned about you from interrogating Victoria, but that doesn't explain why we're outside of bars right now - you don't normally get let out of prison unless you've got someone powerful in your corner, and if even the church of Iomedae couldn't free Valia I'm not holding out hope for Shelyn's being able to manage me."




She did not manage to pick up on all of Alicia's subtext!

"Sure. So, Raimon and I had, uh, gone on that tour, like he said, on the night of the riots, which is — illegal, right, trespassing is a crime — and while she was asking me other questions to find out about if I'd been doing any rioting — I really didn't do any rioting, I didn't hurt anyone — they figured out about the, uh, trespassing. ...Probably because they were reading my mind, I didn't notice at the time but it explains a lot in hindsight. I didn't tell them about Raimon but I think they read my mind about that too. Anyways, I'd figured before that that they'd probably have me executed, they arrested Valia and she's a priestess of Iomedae, no one's going to let a random Calistrian who ticked off the Queen go even if they actually hadn't done anything. So after they found out about the, uh, the trespassing, the nice woman asking the questions told me that she needed to ... make sure I wasn't a danger to the city ... but that I wouldn't necessarily be in trouble.

—I didn't believe that, obviously, I thought she trusted the Queen way more than she should, but they let me go eventually so now I'm not sure?? Anyways, I told her about all the ways we made sure it was safe, and about how we were, uh, trespassing in a way that hurt Asmodeans? There was a copy of the Disciplines there, it was really bad... and after a while she brought me to where Valia was staying. And Valia told me I should write letters to some Iomedaeans she knew telling them about what happened, because she thought if the Queen understood what really happened she'd let me go? Which, again, I really wasn't expecting, but they did let me go so now I'm mostly just confused. I thought the Queen was Evil, because of how she had Valia arrested even though she followed all the laws and didn't do anything wrong, but, I mean, I'm a Calistrian and they let me go. ...Not right away, after a few hours they brought me to a different cell and sometime after that they let me go. But they already knew about the trespassing, it's not like they're learning anything new by spying on me. Honestly I'm still really confused. When the guard came and got me I thought he was taking me to be executed."


"Oh, I hope my guy was reading my mind," chuckles Raimon.

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