Somewhere at the end of a universe, there is a bar.
In this bar is a pretty brunette staring intently at a laptop, humming idly to herself and occasionally scribbling on an attached tablet.
"I and several Tyrians can only thank you for it," he says, standing up to make a perfectly correct bow, the kind one uses for courtship.
"According to you time is stopped, there's nothing on the line if you do take a detour or two."
"I shall be flattered again that you thought this conversation was fun to be read, then."
"Though I think we lost some people with the serious Tyrian fixing talk. I've been walking a tightrope of avoiding explaining things to you that you already know, and explaining things that readers don't know, and I think I fell way more on the side of not explaining things to you that you already know. Plus I'm naturally not very inclined towards explaining things, in general."
"I don't mind if you want to explain more than I strictly need to know. It is if nothing else interesting to see how, ah, 'players' see our world."
"All right. I'll take you at your word, then." She considers. "Tyria is a world with five major sapient races: humans, charr, norn, sylvari, and asura. You should all know what humans are like. Charr are... horned cat people. They and humans often don't make nice because they have some history of killing each other. Norn are like humans but significantly bigger, more cold resistant, and also extremely independent warrior viking people. Sylvari are plant people that come from a giant tree, and they only recently woke up. As was recently learned by Our Hero, they were made by one of the evil Elder Dragons, but until recently have escaped being forced to serve his will. Asura are little, um." She makes a face. "Screw it, look at a screenshot here, because fuck if I know how to explain that. Little... mouse people? They are all a bunch of nerds. All of them. Huge nerds. Very brilliant huge nerds, but also kind of rude. If your starting place is 'Feanorian' you are honestly not far off."
She pauses. "There, that was a good exposition dump. I think I'll give it a bit before I do the one for Dragons just to give people some time to digest that."
James sporfles at 'horned cat people' and continues to laugh throughout the rest of the explanation.