Somewhere at the end of a universe, there is a bar.
In this bar is a pretty brunette staring intently at a laptop, humming idly to herself and occasionally scribbling on an attached tablet.
She nods. "Yeah. I think Tyrian souls can be eaten for power, but I get the impression it's an all or nothing kind of deal. All right, now you have the basic premise, so of course here is where it all goes horribly wrong. When we're dealing with people that can transfer power, especially heat and light, what is the brightest, most obvious thing to steal from? Aside from themselves, because most people find ripping off chunks of their own soul inadvisable."
"Got it in one!" she says, brightly. "So for most of history, the Sun was a major source of magical power. A lot of people could get by just fine on sunlight given off from the Sun, but there's only so much sunlight occurring at a time, and some people decided they would much rather just directly rip the power from the Sun itself. This turned out to be a bad idea. And so, after thousands of years of being magically nibbled on by humans, the Sun goes out."
"Basically a death sentence for humanity, yeah. Except instead of just sort of dying anticlimactically, I have humanity hatch a crazy plan. Ordinarily, there is no way they could travel to another solar system and survive the trip. Maybe with a generation ship and a lot of resources their children could get there, but then there's no guarantee that solar system would even have a place humans could live. And through a combination of magic and technology, they've figured out a way to rip out people's souls from their bodies entirely, put them into a phylactery, and then later make them a new body, that the soul is then shoved into. If all goes as planned, the person is just fine once this process is done. And a soul jar is significantly more easy to take care of than a bunch of living, breathing humans. So, they rip a bunch of people's souls off, put them in storage boxes with, uh, something-like-Asuran-golems watching over them, and shoot them all off into space to find a new place to live and rebuild humanity."
"Basically. I mean, not evil," she laughs. "Well, not most of them, anyway. I have the long travel through space have effects, though. Everyone wakes up with amnesia, and some people wake up, uh. Not okay. With major changes to their personality, not necessarily for the better, and possibly with a generous helping of crazy. So what happens is a bunch of amnesiac liches of a varying spectrum of morality running around in a whole new solar system, with their hordes of something-like-Asuran-golem minions doing their bidding. And that's where your alt is, he of course thought ripping out his soul and going to a new solar system was a great idea."
"...why would he think becoming a lich is a great idea? I'm a necromancer, I'd know."
"It's not precisely like becoming a lich. It's reversible, for one, and doesn't make him evil. He could get put into a real actual body with a heartbeat and flowing blood and skin that's not rotting off, and be fine. For when he's not in a body, he's got, uh—something like lucid dreaming, because of the soul magic, except the dreams can be shared with other people. So he could experience having a form and interacting physically with them, instead of being stuck in his own head the entire time. Uh, what are the other bad parts about becoming a Tyrian lich? I don't know enough about the process."
"Hmm, no, I think you covered all the bad parts. So he's basically still himself, minus memories?"
"Ah, yes, my actual author. So does Pedro only write me in places where I would, ah, 'have fun'?"
She considers this.
"I get that impression? I don't think he'll always be nice, but I don't think it's very fun to write about 'James, and his boring life as an ordinary person.' People are more interesting when they're given room to be interesting, and that's true of fictional characters, too. But I mean, there's not a lot of precedent, your first public thread is actually—" Aestrix pauses, and blinks. "... this... one." Blink, blink. She sits up.
"Oh my God I popped your proverbial cherry. With a meta thread. I." She pauses again, clearly unable to come up with any words. "Oops?" she eventually manages.
He sporfles. "You 'popped my cherry.' I'm unfamiliar with that specific expression but I think I might be able to guess from context. Is it bad that this is a 'meta thread,' whatever that may be?"
"It's not—it's not bad. It's just weird, and I just realized I did it by accident, and I'm not the sort of person that likes doing things by accident. A meta thread is where the—the fact that the book is a book is acknowledged, and the characters in the book have commentary on the nature of being in a book or whatnot. Versus like, a book where there's just a story without the acknowledgement of the medium. So instead of people reading about you having adventures, they're reading about you talking to an author about adventures. Which maybe does some weird things to their context, especially if they're not familiar with Tyria and they're just reading because I am famed to show up in person or want to meet Pedro's new character, or something. So, uh." She glances up at the ceiling. "Sorry, readers? Hope you're having fun?"
"But wait, if he hasn't written anything with me in it yet, where is—everything—where am I from? Did I just get invented at the start of this, ah, 'thread'?"
"Nnnno. Not quite. I've just avoided the full explanation, because it's a bit complicated and requires concepts that don't exist in Tyria, and the things I gestured at were close enough to reality to be reasonably accurate—oh. Apparently you have something like video games in Tyria, okay then, I guess I should have asked Pedro sooner. So you know of a 'Super Adventure Box,' by an asura named Moto?"
"Yeah, I've played it a bit. Not quite my thing but it's fun to do something like that when the fate of the world isn't at stake, sometimes."
"Cool. So, that's a video game. Where various things get simulated, and the player can run around in a big world and go on adventures and save digital people and face dangerous threats and the like. You're not precisely from a book, you're originally from a video game, and now you're being written into something that is not precisely a book but is pretty close. Which is why Tyria is so dangerous, it's no fun to play a game where there's nothing to threaten you. You were the character Pedro played in that game. You've been converted into book-alike form, because Pedro liked you enough to want to write about you, and this honestly gives him more freedom about what things could happen. Video games are a bit... you're limited in your choices of what could happen. In Super Adventure Box, you can jump, but there's no way you can sprout wings and fly off to adventure in the clouds."
"...huh. So there are lots of different versions of me, for each player playing the game?"
"Nnnnnno. No, the game lets you create your own character, who is unique. There are lots of different Tyrian people that have mysteriously gone through your exact storyline, but they would not be you unless Pedro was playing your in game character, or decided to recreate you. So there aren't lots of you running around. I'm sorry, I realize that's probably a bit disappointing to hear."