There are a couple purple women sitting in the waiting area at the airport, between a yellow with a briefcase and a green in sunglasses. One of them is playing games on her everything; the other's scrolling the internet on hers. When new waves of disembarked passengers course through the corridor the one playing games looks up.
She scans the crowd for a few seconds, then immediately recognizes Klimati when she sees her. She smiles brightly and waves.
"Thank you! Glad to be here!" she calls back, rushing over to them. "I just have to go get my luggage, and then you can show me the glorious sights of your homeland, including its adorable babies."
She's gonna see things and cuddle babies and spend almost no time thinking about the fundamental injustices of the world. It's gonna be great.
"Yeah. I wouldn't worry about it too much, really, but Kairda's really nervous about people connecting her fic to her real identity, and now that she has any sales I figure I should try not to do anything that would make it easier for her to pick up a bunch of weird stalker fans. She would probably keel over dead or something if she got anything like that weird rpf fandom that shows up to bug you sometimes."
"Yeah! Maybe some people don't have enough drama in their own lives and have to make it up in other people's? I dunno." She grabs her bag and follows. "You have dinner with them on, like, a regular basis?"
"Yeah, that totally makes sense," nods Zada. She supposes that if she had regular access to Afen Kisan-fucking-tami then she would probably also not feel the need to make use of it literally one hundred percent of the time. Besides, it would probably seem like less of a big deal if she were the coolest person in the world. "How old is Kaloa exactly? I should be better about checking up on people, I just keep being intermittently terrible about it - "
"So good! Does she know anything about space yet? I was absolutely obsessed with stars when I was tiny - you probably remember that, come to think of it - "
"Gosh, a baby chemist. Is it just names, or does she like learning about chemical reactions, too? Chemistry is honestly really neat, I'm glad we have a baby scientist working hard on that front. Seems like the sort of thing the other babies might tend to neglect."
"Oooh, the physics underlying it is so cool, though! Though admittedly pretty heavy for a one-year-old. I don't think I understood what was happening with electron shells and stuff until I was at least two. Oh, I should look up more chemical names in Anitami - I try to read technical stuff in different languages so I pick up all the vocabulary evenly, but I'm not sure I've read enough in Anitami about chemistry in particular..."
Zada follows them home, continuing to make small talk about the adorable baby chemist in their lives.
What an adorable baby chemist!
"Aww! That's so cool! I can speak Anitami because Klimati taught it to me when I was really small."