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Felip is listening during the floor sections of the convention, and during Valia's speech is more interested in her delivery and style than the substance. He has not gotten the sense that she has, that the typical commoner of Cheliax is good; they compare rather unfavorably to his limited experience of them in Taldor, Galt, and Mendev. 

He is not expecting the riots, and is hosting a party for his children to meet and be met by some of eligible nobility who he got to know a bit better at this day of the convention. Both his daughter at 18 and his son at 16 are available, and so this mixer includes prospects of both genders, who may also get to know each other as well. He's telling stories of adventures in the East when a guard interrupts him with news of gathering crowds and fires in the distance.

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He is, nevertheless, almost always prepared. His defensive spells are always active, and a line of pikemen wide enough to take up a whole street is always at the ready. He's in his dinner silks instead of his battle silks, but that's a problem for his laundress more than it is for him. He excuses himself, places the party in Isidonia's capable hands, taps himself and his lieutenant Melina with Heroism, and then they march out into the street. The pikes will probably put more fear into criminals than Melina's bow, even though the latter is much more lethal.


"People of Westcrown! Return to your homes. Abandon all thoughts of violence and theft."


This works on most they come across. If it doesn't, there's always Stinking Cloud.


No blood has been shed by the time the rain starts to fall. Unfortunately, Protection from Arrows is worthless against it, and soon his silks are sodden. His magic boots will keep him warm, but his men have no such protection, and satisfied that the riots are dying down and the rain will handle the fires, they return to the mansion.


"I'll see to it that our guests have rooms for the night, I suppose."

Here Ends This Thread
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