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...Well, it's not normally set off by velvet ropes and a 'do not touch' sign, so that might be difficult depending on where it winds up after I've gone for it, but I suppose that's at least a creative method.


I am not sure if you are underestimating our resourcefulness or if it tends to drop off the radar for Ages.


I'm not even sure it's still where I last saw it. I'm betting on Heimdall telling me where it's gone if it isn't; she's always been very decent to me. If it's moved again after I put it down, someone will know where it is but it might not be me and they might not tell you. I do not think Heimdall will be impressed by the need to commit dramatic suicide-by-infinity-gem.


I'll upset you if I point out I can read minds.


I'm not sure what you'd make of hers. She sees everything. Well, I presume it's dimension-limited, but still.


With competence it's easy to filter for only and exactly the information you're interested in. Harder to do that without the person noticing anything, and everywhere understood to be unacceptable behavior, but not difficult.


Yes, well, please don't read Heimdall's mind anyway. You realize that a bad interaction with an infinity gem can have collateral damage?


In how wide a surrounding radius?


I'm planning to get a force hood for air and grab it on an uninhabited moon as long as I can teleport things I'm not touching. Not a pretty moon, either.


There are any number of creative ways to get yourself killed-or-question-mark in the galaxy.


And lots of people have claim to me for the next very long time and by the time they don't I might sometimes like being alive.


Here's hoping.


An odd pause. Rescuing me was worthwhile anyway, I've repaid you for that with something other than my happiness.


I'm not complaining that you were a bad investment. I just wish you were happy.


When I'm free it seems almost achievable. Perhaps if I'm free for a long enough time.


This is worth it, though, and working. Working on the Elven pace that now seems so excruciatingly slow to me, but I am confident of eventual success.


This being your stint in Doriath?


I'm so curious what the process is like. I don't think I'd understand it even if I sat there the entire time eavesdropping.


See, to me people are far more obvious and intuitive than arcane alphabets.


I had help with the arcane alphabet.


I think I have help with people. I certainly have something my father doesn't.


I'm not sure a talent counts as 'help'?

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