"I commented 'suicide mission', Tyelcormo said 'it would have been' - but she didn't tell them anything besides her stupid, rehearsed story even when they took her alive, didn't tell me anything other than that, repeated it with a straight face all through today, I don't think she can tell you anything else."
"Maybe the infiltrator wasn't pretending to be working for you. Maybe they drew on a personal connection of some kind, would she be an easy target that way?"
"I spoke to her the first night," Nolofinwë says, "and she swore that to her knowledge they hadn't spoken in the last several months. Which settled it. Obviously. But -"
"This one's already soundproofed and we have a reason to be in it."
"Maybe. I could go up to her invisibly but I'm not sure what to ask."
The Silmaril oath contains the line "and to the Everlasting Darkness damn us if in this deed we fail", which is unprecedented - you never commit yourself to actually succeed at something, even if it's something trivial, and certainly not if it's 'acquire the Silmarils'. That was incredibly stupid even by Fëanáro's standards. No one else would risk it.
This has somehow managed not to come up in my hearing before. But it is presumably beside the point. Sigh. I wish I knew the words of Sarpalarë's oath, if that's what it is - and it keeps looking likelier. I could help her find loopholes. Hard to do that guessing in the dark.
"Sarpalarë, can you tell us the wording of the last conversation you had before heading out to find your team again?"