I spent a century in Valimar studying music alone. I learned a lot of music. I - tended to forget that anyone else in the world had internal experiences, or existed at all. Tyelcormo's good for that, but he'll go off hunting with Huan for decades and cease to have any ambitions broader than 'see beautiful places, kill fast-moving things'. Father's ambitions are enough to sustain us all but when he didn't have us he very nearly killed himself.
I meant 'tried to be a functional individual', not 'tried to do without your support system'. The former wouldn't look like a century studying music alone.
Which you couldn't appreciate unless that was the exception to your forgetting that people existed.
You're the one who pointed out an enormous gap in that century and asserts that your family fills in for each other in such respects.
And it sounds to me like you tried 'just not filling in the gaps' and not 'developing mechanisms to compensate for those areas of lesser talent without this crutch'."
Well, I wish I'd known that before I had to default to 'what would I want in his place'.
I'm scared and unhappy at someone I love suffering, not angry or particularly concerned by what the choices you made reveal about you.
I'll skip a sleep; this would be a terrible place to stop even if we weren't in something of a hurry. Anybody else want?
So she plays it loud enough for a general audience, then resumes the zoom song.
Should I bother turning off Allspeak and recording a message before finding out if he'll talk to me?