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Leaning against the wall speaking with a few more people she doesn't recognize.

...Well, maybe this time she should not interrupt. She'll come back and ask about delivery of his promises later.

She flies away, invisible, inaudible, and swift, to have a look at Angband.

Angband is a low, smoky, sinister cloud lying heavily around some forbidding mountains.


Yes it is. How unpleasant. Does anything nasty happen if she enters the cloud?


The cloud is poisonous; it's not possible to see; there are swirling gusts and eddies that get stronger as she gets lower.


Well, that's just ducky. She clears the poison every few breaths; and makes a little of the smoke invisible, to see if she can look at her own wing that way.


That works; she can clear or make invisible a space a few feet ahead of her, though this require flying very slowly if she wants to be sure she won't fly headfirst into a rock.

Well, the reason she isn't making all the smoke invisible is because she doesn't want to be conspicuous.

She slows down, descends, allows the wind to buffet her a little, looks for a place to land.

There are rocks everywhere; many of them are sharp, but not in a way that would harm a bird that lands on them.


She clings to one, clears enough smoke to be sure she won't be right next to an orc if she transforms.


There's no orc in the immediate vicinity.

Right. Now she is an invisible inaudible humanoid who is not so inconvenienced by wind.

She commences rock-climbing.

She can hear orcs, probably a significant distance away - 200 yards? 400? - talking.


She amplifies, just in her ear and no farther, the sounds of their voices.

"Sure, if there's not another one."

"Even if there's another ten of them! Even if they're all up at the same time! Just means you have to stick to cover, and you should anyway. Pretty boys aren't going to win their war by making it bright out."
So they don't like the sun but it's not incapacitating them. All right.

She climbs away from the voices, slowly, listening.

The mountains are eerily quiet. Most things probably wouldn't want to live here.

She certainly doesn't.

She was hoping there was a layer of smoke and then - not smoke. No such luck?

It's thinner near the ground, except in spots where the wind pulls it and it's very dense indeed; but it's still noticeable and she can't see more than ten yards ahead.

Well, that's not very good for reconnaissance at all. Maybe she'll come back with an army and turn all the smoke invisible, but as long as she's being discreet...

She climbs up again.

More orcs pass by. "Came back already half dead, though there was nothing wrong with them. Elf magic, probably."


She listens in to this one until they pass, too.


Then more eerie silence.


Climb climb climb as far past the worst of the wind as she can get, and then she flings herself into the air and takes the momentum with her in bird form to get out.


And she's clear of the smoke and in the mountains.

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