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"That might explain what Maitimo's doing and why he's not with the rest of them," Findekáno says.

"He's not?"

"Are you two speaking?"

"No," he says. "Though I think I'd talk, if I saw him. Fëanor's dying."

"Good," one of the strangers says rather fervently.

"Just, maybe," Findekáno says, "but not particularly good. Anyway, not our concern. Hunting down the locals is probably a bad way to open relations, but waiting for them to come to us seems awfully reactive. Loki, let us know if you see anyone?"

"I will probably bounce around between populations a lot for the immediate future and will tell you anything I learn that does not seem like an obviously bad idea to tell you."


"Alright. Have fun." And they turn back to their planning.


Loki flies to a river. She looks to see if any fish are swimming by that look sized and composed in a breakfastlike fashion.


There are fish in the river.

Now there is one less fish in the river and one on the end of her spear. She starts a fire, blackens the scales until they'll fall away under her fingers, and eats it.

To the Fëanorians.

Their camp is a little less frantic today. The guards are playing some kind of game with gemstones as stakes; a few people are fishing in the nearby lake.


Does there seem to be anyone besides Fëanor personally who could benefit from healing...?


They definitely have some injured people, though no one who looks critically so. Old scars, presumably from the same battle that so badly injured Fëanor.

She can do scars, but...


She heads back to the area where Fëanor and his - advisers, minions, offspring, whatever they are - were found. Maybe Maitimo is around today.

One of the men who she recognizes, but who didn't introduce himself, is speaking with a few people outside the building where she met Fëanor.


She shows herself a little farther away than what she's accustomed to being conversation-joining distance and loiters conspicuously.

They notice her. The people she doesn't recognize jump.

"It's all right," he says, not in Quenya, "she is known to us and not of the Enemy."

"With respect," one of the strangers says "you don't know the Enemy." He's drawn a knife.

"Good morning to you too," says Loki. "Do I need to demonstrate my language again or does that only work with Fëanor? I seem to keep needing to prove it; what else can't the Enemy do? Dance?"

"The Enemy can dance," the stranger says.

The probably-a-son-of-Fëanor winces. "Loki Odinsdottir, right? We would appreciate it if you approached this camp from outside its walls. Many people here have lived through decades of fearing there's an orc in every shadow behind them."

"I'll bear that in mind in the future."

The strangers still look hostile. "How many of them are there?" one of them asks the Fëanorian.

"So far we've only met the one."

"I came alone. I was supposed to wind up in a different realm and with a friend; instead I am here without him."

"If you want to rest after the journey," the one who recognizes her says, "I'll have some time to speak this afternoon."

"Oh, you'll have some time now," one of the others murmurs. "We're leaving."

His face goes rather determinedly blank for a second; then he smiles. "I understand. It's my sincere hope that we can discuss this in a location that's more comfortable for you at some later time."

They both ignore that, their eyes still warily on Loki.

"I apologize for discomfiting you."


After a minute they turn and leave. He unhappily watches them go. "How can I help you, Loki Odinsdottir?"


"I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to frighten anyone. I have no very detailed agenda, but I was surprised yesterday when I mentioned healing magic and no applications for it were suggested."


"How does it work, exactly?"


"I touch someone and cast a spell - or myself, if you'd like to see it in action and have no injured willing to risk it - and then the subject is healed."


"How long does this process typically take? What are the limits of what you can heal? Could you heal an orc, for example, of the torments that we think create them out of Elven souls?"

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