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Can you do that while I try it?


Toss, osanwë.

This time he sort of glides to the ground. Did that look different?


"Yep! Wow, this will speed things way up if I need to teach orcs to fly to get them wherever I wind up putting them. Even if orcs don't have their own osanwë and I have to use a Quendi relay. Maybe you will get this today." Toss, osanwë.


What happens if I'm injured in this form?


"I can fix it. I invented the healing spells first, I was a little too paranoid to then go on to invent a shapeshifting spell that made them not work. If you are injured and I am not around then you have a problem - well, unless your general control over your body extends to the body of a bird you happen to be, maybe it'll work, I didn't check the interaction in advance never having heard of your species before."


"And I don't know what ideal functioning of a bird body is, and wouldn't necessarily know how to restore it even given the ability to direct command all my systems, which I do think I still have."


"I remember some of it, I had to research swifts a lot to complete the spell, but I don't know what kind of detail you need or what injury you're imagining. You're a healthy bird now, if you can just memorize what-all's going on at the moment...?"


Yes, thank you, I'm trying. But I am a healthy non-flying bird, and I expect that bird circulation and heart rate and feather positioning are quite different when a bird is flying.


"For this sort of bird I'm not sure it would even bother to have a different mode. They launch out of the nest and then don't land. For years. Until it's time to build their own nest. But you may be right. Still, I'm not planning to leave you unattended and shaped like a bird until you have got the hang of flying, so it shouldn't be urgent until you have a good model."


Fling. (Fling. Fling. Fling.)


Eventually he manages to flap/glide several yards before landing.


"Nice!" says Loki. "Do you think you'd have it down in another hour or should we pick up another day?"


I think I'll master it today if you desire to continue.


"Okay." Fling.


Can I traverse the continent and back? Find Cuivienen?


"Once you're good at flying you'll be able to do a hundred miles an hour. While awake; I recommend slowing way down to sleep, but you don't need to sleep as much as I do. This is the current state of my map of the continent, Cuivienen not marked -" She pulls a copy off her, expands, sharpens. "With yea far being a hundred miles, ish." She appears a blue line. "So yes, if you don't keep stopping and doing things like me or stop to take in the scenery in any detail, you should be able to cross the whole thing in the time it'll take me to be making a scheduled visit to your family again."


Please drop me again.




He sends osanwë back; it's a sort of odd parallel-sensory-experience, what he's doing alongside what she sent him. There are a number of differences. Can you identify which are probably relevant?


"Uh, hmm... Okay, I'll fling you again and I'll fly at the same time and we can back-and-forth a bit, may help that we'll be in the same atmospheric condition..." Scoop, fling, change fly send.


Oh, delightedly. He fell even faster that time, but probably because it was hard to both listen and fly. Can you do that one more time, please?


"Sure." Change fling change fly send -

He stays in the air.

He is not going anywhere, and he attempts to circle, does so crookedly, and immediately crashes, but he definitely spent a few seconds flying.

Did you see that??
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