She doesn't ask are you my volunteer. She wants to, but she doesn't.
She's decided that her best method to get over aaaaah shren is to focus on how excited she is about possible progress. Even if it's not the actual tangible progress of baby dragons not dying. It counts. She defeated the door.
"Sure," she says, realizing that of course another wizard would want to participate. "If you have suggestions as well, I'll take them. I don't think I've read literally everything, I bet I've missed some possible angles."
Avet? Don't flinch when you are in the shren house. Don't. Don't. You are not allowed.
Ehail leads her in. There is slightly audible wailing off to the left, but they don't go down that hallway. Instead they go straight back and then to the right and then left again, and up some stairs, and then they're at a bare little room with a bed and a chair and a desk. Ehail sits on the bed, leaving the chair for Avet.
"Any reason we shouldn't immediately start? I'll explain everything I do before I do it, I even brought my notes." She hefts the notes. They're written in Draconic, but that's hardly a problem here.
"Of these? Sure. I can do it now if you have paper, I don't know better spells for it off of the top of my head."
"Let me know if you have any questions, or want to look up my sources. I don't think I cited everything properly."
None of them let her look at dragon magic. This might be relevant.
"Nnnno, I don't. I couldn't find one anywhere and wanted to check the obvious routes before I went and tried to invent one." She smiles at Ehail. "And now I suppose turnabout's fair play. May I have a copy of your notes?"
"You haven't analyzed any dragons with this," she observes. "... Do you want to fix that? Right now?"
"... That. I wonder if that's it. Shrens - aren't missing any dragon abilities but flight in natural form, right? Nothing obscure that I'm not aware of? All forms present and accounted for?"