kobolds are a legal gray area
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The manticore trembles briefly, but the spell doesn't hold for long enough to make it panic.


The hired guards, meanwhile, have a decision to make. Their boss died, and now this guest is trying to shout orders at them. Who is this guy? Not their boss. If the boss is dead, though, who is paying them at the end of the month? Maybe this guy? They can negotiate that before giving him the kobolds he wants.

Most of the kobolds have fled the room instead of staying to try another spell, but a handful of guards dutifully surround and try to seize the closest one.


Oh, right. The other guards.

She tries to make for the nearest cell door, readying her [Doors to Everywhere]


Is this door thing one of the things a magic kobold can do when one person knocks it to the ground and another has thrown a net. (Why does he just carry a net?? Former gladiator, you see...) Or no?


Alecka falls, wrapped in the net, just a few inches short of the cell door. 

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