There has been much discussion in the city of whether it is the will of Iomedae that Evildoers be spared, because among the Good Virtues is Mercy, or that they die, because another among them is Justice. This is clearly answered in the Acts of Iomedae and should not be a matter of great confusion.


In the Book of the Eighth Act, Iomedae confronts a terrible undead Graveknight, the Black Prince. His Evil deeds are innumerable; for his crimes he is damned many times over. It would be Iomedae's Right to destroy him, and it is what he expects. Instead, she sits with him and speaks with him. She invites him to see the Damage that his Evil has wrought on His Own Soul, and on all Around Him. She teaches him that his Evil has been moved by Despair, by his conviction that for anyone as damned as HE there is no home of escape. A lie that makes itself true, is Despair, and so the worst sin. She speaks with him of all of the horrors he has wrought, and how frequently He claimed of them that there was no other choice, and she shows him that there was always another choice.

Ultimately, overcome by remorse, and seeing Too Late the route of escape that was present to him All Along, the Black Prince cried out to Iomedae for courage and strength; for he saw that he ought to go to judgment, that the world would be Safe from him and Justice done to him, but he knew that for the sake of Justice he descended into the fires of Hell. And Iomedae said to him, this is not so, for a man who fully comprehends the evils of his ways, who renounces them entire, and with his last choice chooses to cut his victims free of him and brave even Hell rather than Continue in them, that man is not in the end Damned. If I killed you here, She said to him, you would indeed be damned. And if you walk away knowing the toll of your Continuance, you will indeed be Damned. But there is Another Way, and for the hope of it I stay my hand, and I pray fervently for you to find it, and not to let your terror of damnation itself damn you any longer.

And the Black Prince saw the truth of her words, and joy and hope were long dead in him but he drew his own sword and impaled himself upon it and was dead, and was judged Lawful Neutral, and went to the Halls of Aroden and to Paradise Forever. 

THIS is mercy. It is not mercy to let men who have done crimes walk free, it is INJUSTICE, with Good cannot countenance. It is mercy to show them the NARROW ESCAPE from DAMNATION which still exists to them, and to stay your hand that they may die by their own.

What is the meaning of this? We should permit Evildoers another choice of method of execution. They should be permitted to Acknowledge their guilt, Acknowledge their sin, and take their own life to free the world of the Evils they brought to it, that by their hand they renounce their sins, and may Iomedae keep them.