"I don't think anyone mortal actually has enough information to understand Her, and I'm not sure She wants to be understood. Does anyone understand Norgorber? They just imitate Him in ways He likes. But there were a couple moments when I saw... that we were kindred spirits, in an important sense."
...she remained mortal and secretly resented Pharasma's imposition of death on her and other humans...
...Erecura was not merely the Speaker of Auguries and the Flourisher-In-Desolation. She was also the Thief of Forever and the Emira of Hubris...
"...Assuming I was right about Her, which I perhaps didn't question as much as I ought. I didn't actually realize I'd broken the First Law until I came home from a research trip to the near Obari and couldn't swear to it in one of their permanent zones of truth. Then, well, I asked Her, and She answered."