I'd say this is her core competence but actually she didn't last a week
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And a unrecognizable wizard in Her Majesty's livery floats down and says to her conversation partner with a terrifying smile, "I would not recommend agreeing to smuggle people out of the country." Shrink Item. Back home.


"Delegate Rivera?" says a remarkably kind and trustworthy woman subjectively a second later in the dungeons of the palace.


She knows what charm person is, thanks, she used it a bunch herself before she got good enough to not need it. This doesn't help one iota in resisting it, of course, but there's more than one way to plan ahead.


She's terrified, of course, but projecting enough confidence over it to fool most chelish people.


Song-sorcerers, can't trust any impression you have of them. It's fine. 

"The Crown's prosecutor's office is investigating whether you were involved in the riots on the 3rd of Sarenith. When we tried to find you, you attempted to flee the country. Where were you headed? Andoran? Absalom?"


"Andoran, ma'am." The lie is much harder to spot in her voice but her mind betrays her with a flickering thought of another city.


"Did you help Valia Wain attempt to start a peasant rebellion against the lords of Cheliax, or was that all her idea?"


"I didn't help anyone with a rebellion!"


"Then why did you run from the investigators?"


"I thought I could escape if I was quick about it."

She's still not completely sure how she got captured but wizard seems like a safe guess.


"No one gets away if the Queen wants them found. Why not just tell us that you didn't help Valia plot rebellion, and didn't participate in the riots, and did no murder and no arson and no theft and no other crimes?"


"I didn't want to get raped or tortured or executed, and you wouldn't have believed me if I said it anyway."


"Did you participate in the riots?"


"Have you killed anyone since you came to Westcrown for the convention?"


"No, I have not."


"Have you participated in helping other people kill someone, or make a plan to kill someone, or conceal having killed someone?"


"Have you burned down any buildings, or helped anyone burn down any buildings, or helped anyone plan any arson, or helped anyone conceal any arson?"



That one might technically not be true, since it's a broad enough question to encompass the war, but neither her face nor her thoughts give any sign of it and she's pretty sure she could get it past a truth spell.


"Have you taken anything that wasn't yours, since you arrived in Westcrown for the convention?"


"Are you the person who made and distributed copies of Valia's speech?"


"No, I am not."

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