Normally she'd be at the convention right now, but it's still closed for the next few days. The temple doesn't need her healing, especially since she's trying to save more of it for any future emergencies, and it'd be particularly silly to track people down to talk politics while they're at the palace, so instead she's at the Cafe Isarn doing music. It might not be her regularly scheduled hours, but she really appreciates the ability of singing to keep her focused on anything other than all the horrible thoughts about what they're going to do to Valia.
This one's reportedly an adventurer, if a young and not notable one, so they send a bit more force, two from the prosecution's office to supervise the two from the Watch with a fifth man hanging back to call in backup. She's staying in the awful Galtan cafe because of course she is.
The men go in. "Delegate Rivera," he says to the proprietor quietly. "Upstairs?"
She can improvise the next bit of her song on the fly to include the verbal components for alter self; before they turn around, she looks like someone who plausibly could have been the person they saw when they came in but definitely doesn't match any descriptions of delegate Rivera on close inspection. She gives Raimon a meaningful glance.
And Alicia finishes her song, checks to make sure her money pouch is hidden, and casually walks out the door. Nothing to see here, just another innocent working woman heading back into the city after finishing up her lunch break.
By that time she's long since vacated the premises and wandered unhurriedly into the press of westcrown's streets. She dismisses the alter self now that they've seen its face, and instead wraps her cloak around herself before swearing not to reveal her identity. She takes a meandering path towards a scriviner she once saw in passing to have a letter dictated and sent to the temple of Shelyn telling them to not expect her for the morning channel tomorrow. It's almost certainly a lost cause to try and keep them from having any items of hers, especially since she's not stupid enough to go back for her things, but there's no need to make it easier on them.
Then unless they're much quicker on the ball than she expects, about half an hour from the attempted arrest a middle-aged merchant takes a horse and leaves the city towards Hinji. She plans to swing south once she's out of sight and make for the coast, but that's a slightly more unusual destination and might stick around in the memories of the guards for longer.
No, they'll stomp home and tell the wizards. "There's a song-sorcerer on the loose somewhere in the city" is a problem for wizards.
Well, and they'll smash the rest of the cafe up since he gave them the runaround. Maybe there are hints hiding somewhere about how she assaulted that guard.
Not that they can find! He will immediately report this to a Church of Abadar, accept a truth-telling, write a full description of how they smashed it up after they failed to find the person they were looking for, have them write that it was made under a truth-telling with Detect Magic confirming no spells active, make a copy, have them both notarized, and submit the copy to the Queen, just to make the point that this absolutely doesn't work, at all. Then he'll get back to repairing the cafe.
The thing is that you've got to track down the runaway delegates before they get to Andoran and become a cause célèbre. Felandriel Morgethai would absolutely put them up in her tower and the people of Andoran protest the heroes who Cheliax tried to jail for telling the truth, never mind that in fact the delegates she's currently charged with tracking down are charged with incitement to violence, arson, and resisting arrest.
Where's Alicia Rivera? Lilia watched her speech; she has a solid recollection to go off.
She knows what charm person is, thanks, she used it a bunch herself before she got good enough to not need it. This doesn't help one iota in resisting it, of course, but there's more than one way to plan ahead.
She's terrified, of course, but projecting enough confidence over it to fool most chelish people.
Song-sorcerers, can't trust any impression you have of them. It's fine.
"The Crown's prosecutor's office is investigating whether you were involved in the riots on the 3rd of Sarenith. When we tried to find you, you attempted to flee the country. Where were you headed? Andoran? Absalom?"
"If we write all that out and you read it under a truth spell, is anything funny going to happen? And I mean anything at all, because I know you're a song-sorcerer, I don't have all day, and I cannot hold your hand through three attempts to exonerate you if I get the slightest suspicion you are interfering with the first."
Obviously they're going to have suspicions of the first, or it's going to turn out that that surprise you were an idiot if you thought they cared, or they'll dismiss it midway through if it looks like she'll pass it, or whatever. But it's not going to come from her.
"I can say that under a truth spell without interfering with it."
She's not an idiot, if they want her to testify that someone she associated with committed treason they'll have to try harder than that. She'll take the jail cell until they decide to tell her she's being executed or sent to hard labor after all, or possibly until they torture the confession out of her if that satisfies them.
Not allowed anymore, which honestly suits Meritxell fine, there's no artistry in it. She writes up that either the song sorcerer is in fact completely innocent or she's got some nonmagical way of beating truth spells. They can still get her on the resisting arrest, at least.
Alicia settles in for a very uncomfortable stay. She has friends that would feed her if they knew, of course, but she's hardly confident any of them know the crown caught her or that the guard would let them through to do it. Hopefully if the guards come into her cell they'll do it in small numbers, since a larger group could snap each other out of it before she suggests it's not worth their trouble.