Liushna's tribe may or may not find out what happened to her
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Pointing out the general Itarii territory is easy; pointing out the specific mountain peak where the Windwhip tribe currently lives is slightly harder and Liushna is not actually sure the people who made this map were totally clear on individual mountains instead of just the whereabouts of the mountain range in general, "but if you can't find us, we're on good terms with the Waveskimmer tribe and they can probably tell you where to go. They're the ones who've started working with Pezzacki fishermen because it's good to have both a boat and a flier when fighting water monsters." 


Voshrelka nods, and takes neat notes to keep track of this information.

"I'll come visit. I might not be able to make this year, because Plant Growth circuits, and who knows how long this convention will last, but certainly the year after."


"Okay. Oh, and you probably want to visit the Berrycrag tribe, they always have a druid for a Rokoa." 


Nod nod, more note taking.

"I am happy to be directed. It's a terrible pity, that we lost ties with your people, after the civil war. I'm sorry for it." It's kind of hard to keep in contact when, well. Asmodeans. The Barrowood being chopped down. Everything going rather literally to Hell. That sort of thing.


Nod nod. "I don't think the ties were ever very formalized, but it probably isn't a coincidence that I haven't heard of the fairy protocols being used as far back as anyone alive can remember." 


"Yes. At one point we were actively avoiding getting anyone else caught up with us - Infernal Cheliax was... not kind to its enemies, and decided the druids of the Barrowood were one of them." Granted this was because the druids started displaying why Cheliax should not piss of the druids, but still. Enemies are enemies. "In many ways avoiding your people was to avoid anyone having any reason to know the name of your tribe, or anyone in it, or have any reason for any thought to ever be about you, even under extended torture. I don't think it was the wrong move, since clearly you and your tribe are alive - and helped Pezzack rebel, at that, well done! - but. It is a tragedy. Sorry."


"Well, they have been attacking us, it's just, it's actually really hard to get up to where we live if you can't fly, mostly. I'm not saying they for sure couldn't have managed it if they had prioritized it harder, but," she makes a face. "The really powerful people could get fewer valuable prizes by murdering us than by murdering dryads, you see." 


"Yes." She nods, pensively. "I suppose sourcing allies as sacrificial volunteers might've been tactically better, but...." She frowns and shakes her head. "No, those times are hopefully behind us. I'd like to avoid such brutal calculus*."

(*In Sylvan, the meaning here is less about math and more about gardening. 'Use of deadly pesticides in an intelligent and systemic manner,' is the closest literal translation.)


"Yeah. Although, the fact that Ravounel apparently has Itarii in it doesn't seem to have made the situation worse; maybe next time things are awful you can send us a messenger going 'hey anyone who wants to risk their life to hit fourth circle, come volunteer in the forest.'"


Nodnod. "I'll remember, and tell my clan likewise. We do not tend to turn down volunteers, if they're not..." She motions vaguely towards the city around them. "... some venture into the wood to seek allies against their enemies, without respect to those allies? I'm not quite sure how to describe it. People that want to throw us at their enemies, perhaps."


"I don't know of an appropriate phrase in Sylvan but in Draconic it's 'cannon fodder.'"*

*Does not idiomatically refer to cannons.


"Indeed. I suppose I can try to bring in loan words from Draconic as necessary, but I tend to try to keep my languages from blending together too much, else I'll start using too much Sylvan or Draconic when I should instead use Taldane. Or in one memorable case, Goblin." Goblin is really good for swearing. It has come up.


"I usually use Chelish or Draconic if I want to go out-of-language for swears. Chelish has some good ones."


"Goblin's better," declares Voshrelka, with the certainty of speaking it. "Really, it's downright impressive how dedicated to swear words one language can be." 'Shove something up one's anus' is, for example, one word, and is meant to combine well with nouns, and that's not even one of the particularly detailed ones.


"I'd love to learn some, if you don't have anything better to do at the moment."


"I'll be happy to teach you how to swear well enough to make a goblin proud." Possibly this time would be better devoted to teaching her Taldane, but, see. This is much more fun.

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