Liushna's tribe may or may not find out what happened to her
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"I hope the same." Okay, here's a place out of the rain for them. Granted, it's under a bridge, and they will both need to fly to get there, but Voshrelka now has access to the fourth circle spell Air Walk, and she's totally going to use it. Is she a little smug about literally walking her way up to the nook? No, because she's very smug. Fourth ciiiircle!


Liushna is not aware that that spell is fourth circle, because the Itarii druids don't have it, because why would they ever need it, so she remains unaware of the heights Voshrelka has reached. 

Except literally! She flutters up to the literal heights Voshrelka has reached. 

Ahh, out of the rain. Much better. 


Yes! And no one can bother them up here. Which is preferable to the alternative, and she didn't even have to use another wildshape for it.

"So. Is there anything you need in the immediate sense?"


"--Well my bow seems to be intact, and my familiar seems to be okay, now, so...I should check on the halflings' house, I guess, I was sleeping on their roof." 


Nod. "I... don't know the specifics, but I don't think it's good. There were no halfling bodies in the main temple of the god of money, but someone was arrested there, related to halflings. One of the men who was on the slavery committee, then stormed out and wasn't let back in? He said a halfling," actually he said a slip, but Voshrelka will not be using that word, "stabbed him in the eye. I don't think any of them would do that without reason, and it didn't sound like he treated them kindly, after. But I don't know what's happened to any of them, or the state of their house. Sorry." She actually wasn't aware they had a house, and furthermore could not locate it, so. She extra cannot help.


"--Wow. Uh, was it the one who's a cleric of Abadar, the one with the stupid beard, or the other one?"


“I don’t know the criteria for a beard being stupid, but he had one, and wasn’t the cleric of Abadar.”

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