Alicorn has a secret setting and I wanna find out what it is
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"Like I told you not to hurt my horse and you didn't listen."


"That's different."


"There's only one of you."


"....what does that have to do with it?"


"That makes it different. Tell a story where nobody dies."


"Aerith goes out with a guy who turns out to be an eighth elf. She's trying to figure out what to do. Ellie accuses her of being racist. She dares Ellie to date someone who's part elf and they start looking for dates for Ellie on Flicker. Meanwhile, Ennity is facing a disciplinary hearing after seriously injuring three people in a melee accident; his father wants to sue the school for the mistake. Ellie goes to a bar for part-elves; it goes badly. Aerith tells the guy she can't date him, then changes her mind. They go out, and happen to stumble across the shady contractors who were responsible for the melee accident. The guy doesn't want to start any trouble, but Aerith wants to clear her friend, so they break up for real, and after proving that it wasn't Ennity's fault they all go out for drinks at this dinky little humans-only bar which is definitely racist and which Ellie was complaining about at the start of the episode."


"I didn't understand any of that."


"No one died, though."


"Tell a good story where no one dies."


"Maybe I don't know any. You should tell me a story."


"Make one up if you don't know one."


"It is surprisingly difficult to make up good stories on the spot."


"Do it anyway."


" - is it okay if there are people dying as a minor plot event in the background, like if the story features orphans? Or a war?"


"...yeah, okay."


"Once upon a time there was a land that was beseiged by a terrible monster. Every year the monster would come and unless they had amassed enough tribute to pay it off, it would ravage their fields and their cities. The harvests had been good for many years, but this year they were bad. They had enough to pay off the monster but they would have nothing left, and they feared in the winter they would all starve. When the monster came, they pleaded with it to leave them some food, that they might survive the winter and give it more tribute next year. The monster laughed and refused and flew away with all the tribute.

And some of the people of this land decided to become adventurers and go and fight it and save their people.

But it is unwise to challenge a great and terrible thing; you will die. You have to first defeat smaller, safer things, and show yourself to be the kind of person who wins, before you have any hope of winning when it matters. And so they decided that it would be their quest first to clear the roads of bandits, and then the forest of wolves, and then the Lost Crossings of the mermaids who preyed on soldiers there, and then the Wastes of the undead that wander there, and then they would fight the monster.

And they went out in search of bandits, and they found some around a campfire just off the road, and they crept closer to attack them in the dark, and they heard the bandits talking about their families, and about how they'd spent every cent paying the taxes that would appease the monster, and now were starving, and thought it better to steal than to die. And they pitied the bandits, and asked them if they wanted to join in the quest. And the bandits agreed. And then they went into the forest to rid it of wolves, and they found the wolves bathing and licking their young, and they cast Speak With Animals and asked why the wolves stole the sheep from the villagers. And the wolves said 'we were hungry' and they said 'us too' and they asked the wolves to join them in their quest. 

And they rode wolves all the way to the Lost Crossings where the mermaids sing, but by now they had learned something, so they cast Protection From Otherworldly Influence and went to speak to the mermaids, and asked why they sang. And the mermaids said 'we are hungry', and the crusaders taught them how to shoot down seabirds, and the mermaids taught them how to weave music into magic, and then they went on with their quest. 

And the undead could not speak, but everyone knows that undead want to rest, and so the crusaders put them all to rest and burned what remained, and the wastes were silent and peaceful, and they hoped that then they had grown enough and learned enough to face the monster.

And they went off to meet it. 

And they asked the monster, "why do you do this?" and the monster said, "I am hungry", and showed them its land, of hungry monsters paying tribute to a distant monster king. And then the monsters prepared to fight them, but they had learned from their adventures, and they said, "then will you join us?"

And they all went together and overthrew the monster king and then no one was hungry again."


"I want to stop and eat some eggs."


"Sure." She stops.


Segda eats three eggs. "What is an undead?"


"Zombies, vampires, that kinda thing."


"What are they?"


"Uh, reanimated corpses and an intelligent monster which you can turn people into though the process kills them, respectively."




"If you run into something dangerous in real life you should run away, not try to befriend it, that only works in stories which I make up on the spot when I can't say anyone dies."

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