Elie and Naima post-riot processing
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After the first batch of resurrections, she returns to the demiplane. She's going to need a day to decompress, and maybe go over her schedule again. Élie's going to need -

- she doesn't actually know what Élie's going to need. Whatever it is, he's going to need it very badly. She spends a minute trying to guess. Then she realizes that this is stupid, and opens the door to his study.

"What do you need right now?"

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"That's a very good question. I want to have been less of an idiot yesterday. I need – 

– well, it doesn't matter. Has your staff figured out how far we're behind?"


"Quarter million, but we're optimistic about fixing it quickly. You're the person best equipped to do it, by optimizing your spell usage and getting as many Fabricate castings out as possible. They pointed out that you shouldn't be spending seventh circle spells on plane shifting in and out of the demiplane, we should get you a cleric for it. I think you should probably also hire a secretary capable of keeping your schedule and helping optimize things like that, so you don't have to do all of it yourself. And they want to explore interplanar fabricate trade, and see if we can establish something with the elemental plane of earth."

"There was also some discussion of - your spells refresh when you sleep, so we can make truly enormous amounts of money by giving you extra days here and insistently allocating spells for fabricate. But there are, you know, costs to that one, and we should think about how much we want to deploy it."


"What I should do is give the demiplane an entrance – I've been avoiding that for security reasons – and then I can access it by teleport and we can use the cleric somewhere else. Are there any fifth-circle clerics we can get who we haven't been using? Do you know how much I'd make if I stayed here and fabricated things until the convention resumes?"


"We're going to arrange for at least one fifth-circle cleric of Kofusachi, and make plans to construct a warehouse in Tian Xia dedicated to silk. I expect there are more we could get if we wanted them, really. If you literally did nothing else... around a million, I think, though it's difficult to account for prices continuing to go down."


"A bit over a month for me. That's not so bad. My staff won't be happy, though."


"I imagine not. I'm not necessarily saying you should do it, depending on what else you're doing."

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