Tattletale falls off a building. The Galactic Republic falls. These might be related.

Not even looking her way, Leviathan raised one claw in Tattletale’s general direction.  The water on the roof shifted, surged toward Tattletale in an isolated wave as tall as she was, lifting her, pushing at her.

The sting of the spray and the salt of the water blinded her.  There was a brief dizzying moment where she realized she couldn’t tell which way was up.  She realized she was falling.

Stupid, the thought was an accusation, biting, directed wholly at herself.

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Wow, that fucking sucked. There must have been a teleporter nearby to save her from the fall? Wait, that doesn't make any sense. Where the hell is she?

Far, far, away...


It was too early in the morning for bodies. This one was moving, which is good, but also was soaking wet on the dry pavement, which was confusing. It figured on the one day a month she actually wandered the streets of her area of command she'd end up finding something non-standard. And today her daily headache seemed to be taking the form of a soaking wet teenage girl in a mask lying face down and groaning on the hard concrete. It was unclear if she was injured, drunk, a criminal, or some combination of the three.

"Hey," she says, poking the girl with the toe of her boot. At least Kara couldn't see any visible weapons. Was that the smell of salt? "Do you require assistance?"


Thinking on her feet in a disorienting situation is exactly what she's good at. Who is this? Where is she?


FUCK. Something's wrong; she shouldn't be getting headaches right away, even if she was using her power for the past hour of the Leviathan situation.

Okay, maybe she can just draw more local conclusions, that should be easier to-


Fuck fuck okay okay, what about just drawing normal conclusions from what she can see. Barely using her power at all. Keep conclusions as close as possible to what a normal human could do.

Uniform. Stilted language. Police? Definitely some kind of peace-keeping official. Does she have any obvious parahuman ability (does anyone here where is here OUCH NEVER MIND). Stay focused, that doesn't matter, what matters is the next ten seconds. You're in a strange place wearing a supervillain outfit and the fucking cops are asking if you're okay.

Asking for help- there will be more information, information she doesn't have to pay for later (or right away WHY is her power acting like this). But there will be more information she has to give. And they might not like the answers.

Running- will give her more time to get her bearings on her own. Will possibly anger whoever this is. No obvious tension in her body, this is someone who's not worried for her safety when finding a strange teenager on the street. Backup? She's either part of a large security apparatus, or not someone to fuck with by herself. Is it easy to tell roughly how athletic she is just from other physical attributes FUCK no it is not easy to tell.

Fight- not her favorite option even if she wasn't rolling into the worst feedback headache she's ever had. And not if she can't even tell what this person is capable of. Strictly worse than the other options.

Breathe. Only about another second to make a decion. Okay, if those are the options, the choice is easy. If everything gets her in trouble, what gives her the best kind of trouble to get out of?

"Yes, please!" Lisa says, coughing on residual seawater.


Saltwater? As far as she knows none of the industrial processes in this area require large amounts of saltwater. And she is sure none of the drug manufacturing does. Besides, there's no vat this girl could have tumbled out of; she's lying in front of a shuttered restaurant. A few speeders had zipped by earlier, but Kara couldn't imagine why someone would want to bike through District 17 with a wet girl and dump her on the sidewalk. Could she have been robbed and left here somehow? But then why the mask? She can't decide if this person is a victim or someone who is going to pull a blaster on her. 

Kara kneels on the sidewalk, grabbing the girl by the back of her...costume and pulling her into a sitting position as gently as possible. "Just breathe," Kara tries to sound soothing, but it isn't her strong suit. "My name is Special Lieutenant Kara Alvinn. Can you tell me what happened?" 


Lisa coughs again. "I... fell." Glancing up at the nearest business, maybe there's a more normal version of the truth that can be spun together- oh. None of those words look like words. That's... going to be a problem. A problem for future Lisa.

Slowly. Telling the first person that you meet everything you think happened is a great way to end up in an asylum or prison in a foreign...

Country? Planet?? Galaxy???- FUCK

"Sorry, I'm in a lot of pain right now. Not just the fall, I get headaches." What does this woman want, I could get up and walk away and maybe she'd just let me do it, but then I'm alone and probably can't safely read and have no identity or contacts.

She looks up, trying not to grimace as she smiles. Sometimes the most common moves are common for a reason. "What's your appetite for interesting, unbelievable stories? I bet I have one that's higher in both than any you've ever heard."


Kara snorts. She wonders if this girl has any idea of the volume of interesting, unbelievable stories she was told on a near-daily basis. The thing that unbelievable stories tended to have in common is that they simply weren't true.

Which didn't mean you couldn't learn something from them.

"I'd be happy to have an explanation, regardless of whether or not you think I'll believe it." Kara says. She reaches to her belt, fishes around in a small pouch, and passes over two small blue pills to the girl. "Painkillers. For your headaches." Whether the girl takes them or not will also tell her something. This random child probably doesn't deserve this degree of scrutiny; in a few minutes Kara would probably find out she was some rich girl tripping out on dreamdust. But she hadn't gotten to where she was by being lazy. "Can you walk? My vehicle is nearby."

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