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"Summoned daeva get all the languages our summoners speak. Prevents a lot of, 'Build me a house!' followed by -" Cam switches to Mandarin Chinese. "'Sorry, what is it you want me for?'"


"I see," he says. "Fascinating."

Adana didn't notice the ridiculous language dump until now. She is surprised by this. "It's very convenient, I didn't even - wow that's a lot of languages."

She still does not look comfortable around Cam and is maybe scooting away from him a little. Arms still wrapped around herself. She is uncomfortable being this close to a demon who is obviously unbound, even if logically she knows that if he wanted to cause harm he would have already.

Now that Cam is no longer pretending to be stuck in his circle he can add some space between them, strolling farther away from the angel.


"Enjoy your new knowledge of obscure techical vocabulary in Támádh," Jarvis says dryly.


"I will. So - question - roughly how old are those cars over there?"


"...Are you asking that because you care about cars or because you want to know what year it is?"


"Second thing. Though the universe is clearly different enough that the mere number might not be completely informative. At least you have lots of recognizable languages, New York, and, like, the concept of pajamas."


"Okay. I'll spare you about the cars. It's 2007." He turns to Adana. "Do you, like, want to take your giant fluffball and go find a guest room to stay in while you're here? It's the least we can do what with the accidental summoning and all. Jarvis can show you around. God knows we've got room."


"... That would be nice. Um. Wait, 2007? I mean, our - year systems might not be the same, but is there space travel? Colonization on the moon?"


"Nnnnno? We've been to the moon. Planted a flag on it and everything. But there's not, like, private spaceflight, that's still a ways off."


"So, while I am here, where's a good place to get an internet connection to get my bearings and see if this place is similar enough that you want me to save the bees, drop a hundred fifty years of medical advances on you, tile the Sahara in solar panels, and then fly off and terraform Mars nice and pretty for later settlers?"


Cam is now getting assessed by an angel in approval. Look at her, re-evaluating her racism over there.


"—Okay, one, right here, right here is a good place to do that," says Tony, "two, do you also have a hundred fifty years of technological advances, because if so I want like all of them."


"Uh, yes, there have been advances in more things than medicine, and I have some notes on those too, but medicine seems least straightforwardly abuseable. I will want a bit with the internet connection before I hand over too much of that."


"Sure. Jarvis, get fancy," he says, waving a hand vaguely at the ceiling.


"But of course," says the ceiling. "Would you like to browse the internet using a holographic interface, or did you have something else in mind?"


"Well, what I'd really like is to use my normal computer setup from home. I can duplicate it but I bet it can't talk to your internet. I can make intermediate steps as far as each device's backwards compatibility extends, though. Erm, can't help but ask, are you planning to spy on my web browsing activities?"


"I don't believe 'spy' is the appropriate word if I am acting openly as your intermediary," he says. "But of course if you use your own device I can choose not to observe beyond routine virus scans of incoming data. Perhaps you would like to discuss compatibility with Tony."


"Yeah, hit me, you would not believe the things I know about data formats," he says.


"Okay, back up, 'choose not to observe' is not a phrase I like to associate with whether my computer use is in a position to be monitored, let alone when it is literally going through a person. I'd tentatively bet on my futuristic encryption, but I probably cannot communicate with 2007 websites in my futuristic encryption schema, so however safe my personal files are this doesn't give me, like, proper end-user control. I will look up Colony Collapse Disorder on Wikipedia with people looking or able-to-look if you'd take it very much amiss did I seek a public library instead, I put up with worse crap from summoners all the time, but you see why this might not be the best thing to say, 'I want to check out how things are before I hand over a century and a half of tech', 'how about you check Wikipedia through My Friend The Artificial Intelligence Of Unspecified Wikipedia Editing Speed'."


"You're gonna have trouble finding a public library to use the internet from because it is three in the morning," says Tony, waving his ball of cloud-fluff around expressively. "Maybe more like three-thirty by now. Your options are gimme a cup of coffee and some format specs and I'll have your future computer hooked up to the Internet just fine in like a couple hours, or take a guest room and hit Sunnydale Public Library in the morning, and their machines are ancient even by my standards. I mean, or just ask Jarvis to look things up for you. I'm not gonna tell you which one to pick, but if I was the one picking it'd be kind of obvious, and it's slightly too three in the morning for me to go over everything I say and make sure it doesn't sound weird if you assume I'm secretly evil? Jarvis is like my best friend and the most convenient looking things up on the internet buddy ever, and if he snooped on all the Internet traffic in this house I would watch way less porn, let me tell you."


Adana giggles, a little. "That last part was maybe more than we needed to know. But uh - I would like to go with the public library rather than bothering both of you at three in the morning. Er." She glances at Cam. "If you go public library route, do you want help with your wings?"


"I was thinking either snazzy trenchcoat or borrow this guy's bathroom and saw them off, you don't look like you want to be that close to me, frankly." He makes Tony a mug and coffee in it - "Lemme know if you want cream or sugar in that."


"To be clear, does this coffee mean you want option one? Because if you're just gonna get it all from Jarvis or use the library, I'm going back to bed," he says. "But I will totally take the coffee and bury myself in circuit diagrams if you want future computers hooked up to the not at all future internet."

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