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Engagement and Retainer

Valia Wain of Pezzack, Select of Iomedae, engages the Representation of Barrister Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà in the Matter of her Detainment on the 3rd Sarenith 4714 and Related Matters arising from the Events of that Day, depositing a Retainer of 1/- against which Fees and Expenses are to be Drawn, the Schedule of Fees and Expenses to be Negotiated Subsequently. The Select's letter of authorization is Reproduced below.

Witnessed the 4th Sarenith 4714 by a Priest of Abadar, in Westcrown, the Banker's mark below.

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Documents in Evidence: Royal Decrees

[Various royal decrees are reproduced here, including the most relevant.]

[One of the royal decrees is a secret page. The attorney does not have enough third-circle spell slots to additionally include a protective sepia snake sigil but may return to add one.]

The Client's Words: "I asked Delegate Ferrer and Delegate Rivera to help me write the speech. I told them that I wanted to make sure we followed all the laws [...]"

Notes: Referring to Victòria Ferrer, a Calistrian, and Alicia Rivera, a Shelynite. There is Existing Pretext for meeting with Delegate Ferrer which I will Employ.

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