Intake Meeting with Select Valia Wain
[The meeting is transcribed here from shorthand notes, all secrets omitted as though they never were said.]
Notes: Select Wain is Intelligent and able to Put Facts in Orderly Sequence; but with an Unfortunate Desire to Give Eloquent Speeches. Select Wain is Unlettered and cannot be Left with Documents to Study. (There is likely Insufficient Time to Investigate the Causes of this Difficulty in Literacy; given a Month's Time it would be of Higher Priority, in order that I not need to Improvise Hastily.)
Investigate Irregularities regarding her Arrest; contact the Paladin Feliu.
Obtain the Testimony of Laia Solandra, who is Easily Found.
Attempt to obtain the Testimony or at least Statements of Élie Cotonnet and Jilia Bainilus, who raised No Timely Concern that the Speech might have been Unlawful, plainly Considering it to be Lawful and At Worst Ill-Advised. (NB: Floor Rules are likely not Imperial Law (?) nonetheless not even a Point of Order was Raised and the Speech was not Interrupted.)
Attempt to obtain Useful Testimony or Statements of Alexeara Cansellarion.
Endeavor Ardently to make Unlikely the Ill-Handling of Select Wain in Custody. A Paladin is Ideal; they will claim with Likely Sincerity that one cannot be Spared but argue from her High Profile. Make Diverse and Varied Procedural Objections. At the least make Clear that Public Embarrassment will be the Result.