Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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"Was your story any happier? I don't think I'd have tried to remember dreams about - any of that -"


"...Point. I had some awful bits, but a lot of it was happier, and.


Even the awful bits are mine and I wouldn't have wanted to--lose them, pretend the world was a happier place for me and mine that it really was..."


"I am not going to forget it now, but - if I did have a dream about starving to death at my children's graves, I think I'd have woken, confirmed they were okay, and forgotten it..."


"Yeah, that's entirely fair.


We didn't have any reason at all to think our loved ones were okay and we could forget about it. Might've affected things."


"And you had magic powers." Sigh.


"Yeah, that too.


I wish I was a bearer of happier news than this."


" there anything wrong now? Or just something that already went wrong a very long time ago..."


"Not...definitively, unless you count the Elves being really traumatized, but...we're concerned about the fact that you and I reincarnated at the same time despite living and dying centuries apart. Something could be coming."


"Is it just us so far?"


"Your family and my sister and I are the only ones we've found."


"That's also a bit odd."


"Are there theories - how hard have you looked, how confident are you that you'd find people - are the names always right -"


"So far we have generated a handful of hypotheses, none of which we're confident in. We haven't looked very hard, yet, we found you on the first pass. I don't know if the names are always right but I wouldn't bet on it, I didn't have the right surname until I got it changed and my this-time-around mother could have very easily ignored the impulse to give my sister and I our correct first names--but the fact that she had the impulse at all is interesting. I didn't have the resources to look, and the Elves didn't have any reason to, at all, until early September when I walked into class and my TA and I recognized each other."


"Your mother this time around isn't the same person?"


"Well, my original mother died in my original dimension. I don't think she was available to reincarnate to have me again."


"My condolences."


"Thank you. 


To be fair, I'm pretty sure the practical alternative is just--me also being permanently dead. And that's not better. But I do miss them."


"No resurrection in that dimension either?"


"I have--hopes. The magic that I have, native to that dimension, gets stronger with practice, and the Elves are working on human immortality, so it may be that things that never happened there are in fact possible they just take more than a human lifetime to get there and I can figure out how to get there and bring them back."


"The Elves are working on human immortality?"


"Yeah, it looks like the problem is going to be scaling it rather than coming up with a solution at all."


"If they can do it at all, what took so long?"


"Well, first there was the war against Morgoth, and then there was the everything-goes-to-hell fallout from the war against Morgoth, and then they were dead, and then the Vala of the dead got tired of them and kicked them back to life and Earth, and then they spent a couple centuries being super depressed because being dead is apparently really unpleasant for Elves and they spent several millenia on it."


"That happened to all the Elves?"

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