Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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I do realize that. I wish I knew more.


You're doing your best, she shrugs. We don't have much to work with.


We don't. Anyway, couple weeks to fall break and you can head on down to Dallas.


Yeah. Here's hoping I find some answers.


We'll all be eagerly waiting.



A couple of weeks. We've all waited longer.


Thirty thousand years...


...Sorry, that was a poor choice of subjects to be flippant on.


No, it's fine. There aren't topics I find painful to discuss at this point.







If you say so.


And a few weeks later she has a plane ticket to Dallas.


Dallas! Definitely a more pleasant place to be this far from the peak of summer than Boston. Hey, she may think MIT is worth it, but that doesn't mean she likes the cold.

She has their address. She attempts to formulate the least creepy way of making contact on the way there.


It's a suburban house. Neat. Quiet. 


She knocks on the door with a little trepidation.


A woman opens it. Very pretty, maybe mid-thirties, slightly tired-looking. "Hello?"


"Hi, sorry, I know you don't know me and this is super weird, but it's actually kind of important, I was wondering if you or anyone in your family would--have any idea what I meant if I said--" she switches to Thindarin "--I remember too, I remember everything, we should talk."


She blinks. " I won't say it doesn't sound - vaguely familiar - is it Mazanderani, my mother speaks that -"



"No, it is not that. Is there anyone else home I could ask? I'm sorry, I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but if that doesn't mean anything to you I don't know how I could explain without sounding crazy."


"The girls are at school, they'll be home in a bit." A raised eyebrow. "Sounding crazy will sit more comfortably than sounding suspicious, for what that's worth."


"...Ever since I was little I've had--memories of a past life, from my point of view, hallucinations from most people's--come trickling in. They were always coherent and never contradictory and in my past life I could do magic and I can still do magic and when I was eighteen I met one of the people from my past life--he's immortal--and he started teaching me the language I spoke to you in because I asked him to--we hadn't started speaking it before I died--and your names are in that language, and match perfectly with the names of a family of similar composition that he knew of, which leads us to suspect you might have reincarnated too, and I can prove the magic, it's not some kind of confirmation-bias subtle-effects thing, I can literally conjure temporary objects out of nothing, look," she says, and then she's holding a wristwatch in what had previously been an empty hand with no flourish that might have concealed slight-of-hand.


She blinks.




...come on in."


"Thank you."


"Morwen. But I take it you knew that - how did you find us -"





"My immortal friend's brother works for the NSA. After I--and my sister--showed up, he started looking for others."


"Elves. Right?"

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