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Conduit Henry

Dear Reader,

It is easy to criticize when you have the bigger picture. But when the impossible starts happening around you, at what point should you start believing in it? What is the line between gullible and open-minded?

I don't know.

Yeah, insanity is doing the same thing over and over too, but so is just seeing someone vanishing in front of you and just accepting it as possible.

But, yes, I definitely took way too long to just accept it.

- yours truly, Henry.

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Dreams are just dreams. Your brain processing information in a chaotic mess that barely relates to your real life, by simple free association of your brain. Not only one should ignore their dreams for the most part, the brain actively does that, flushing down everything down the drains. So if you remember dreaming of teeth falling out it does not mean you should make a dentist appointment. It doesn't even reliably means that your are worried about brushing your teeth more.

When Henry gets around to read about the topic of recurring dreams, there is the obvious problem that all data is self-reported.


Hold on just a moment! Don't just gloss over that "get around to" like it didn't take forever and was done unprompted. Gabe was an important part of process and really wants to have his efforts appreciated.

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