This warning is of extreme importance. Failure to comply may result in the doom of your civilization.
Do not play or distribute house-building simulation games based on hieroglyphs found in mysterious and ancient frog temples (exception: in the event of end-of-the-world scenarios not resulting from mysterious meteor showers, play such games is not only harmless but highly beneficial, as is distributing them as widely as possible).
In the event that a game's origin is ambiguous, other warning signs of civilization-dooming games include a starting menu allowing you to place an "alchemiter", "totem lathe", "cruxtruder" and "pre-punched card" and a requirement that play be multiplayer and that players be organized in pairs comprising a server and a client player. If either or both of these signs is definitely absent a game may be considered safe. If you are unsure of a game's origins I highly recommend you err on the side of caution.
Further elaboration on the risks involved in playing such games may be found in my GameFAQs article.