Oh good. Ari was vaguely worried that requesting to be fed without having been specifically told that it was permitted would result in offense of some kind. He consumes the something, continuing to be fascinated by fairy foods.
"Yeah. Thank you, sir." Ari sets about his work with renewed vitality! Food is good at that.
Ari is capable of working for pretty much arbitrary amounts of time, given food supplies and an interesting problem. He appears to have both!
"You're going to need to have a nickname," the master fairy remarks to Ari. "This one goes by Promise."
Promise nods.
"Go about your business, but when he's finished what he's doing he's going to do a little experiment with some of your blood, nothing too onerous."
"Yes, Master," says Promise. She goes into a side room that Ari hasn't been into yet and shuts the door.
"She's my sorceress," says the dragonfly-winged fairy. "She had a mortal once, too, but she wasn't very careful with it." He laughs.
Ari realizes once the Creep has left that he seems to have forgotten that this piece of work is going to take at least another eight hours. He sighs, wraps up the part of it he's doing right at this very moment, deems that good enough for government work, and knocks on Promise's door.
Her room looks pretty lived-in. Desk, shelves, stool, lots of books and notebooks, a pitcher of water, a bowl of fruit - apparently she doesn't have the need to be hand-fed. There is a bed. It would be big enough for two fairies if at least one of the fairies were inclined in that direction.
She has decorated. There are drawings stuck to the walls in brilliant colors, mostly of plants.
Ari would like to get along with Promise! Partly because she seems nice enough from his extremely limited interaction with her, and partly because the idea of being vassal of someone who is herself a slave makes him want to burn the world. Not her fault, though. Probably.
"Thank you," says Promise. "If Master gives you a room I would be happy to let you have some of my drawings for it."
"Nah, that'd be cheating. I'll do something with stone shaping, probably. Maybe there's some semiprecious somethingorother in the area, I'll dowse for it. Anyway! I'm a weird alien who has weird alien magic, and Bossman says I should figure out if I can use fairy blood for it. Don't worry, it'll just be a little bit. Oh, yeah, and I'm also supposed to figure out if I can heal you. Same weird alien magic. Any questions?
"Well, I just need to borrow a little cupful of your blood and then do some magical woo-woo to it. Your involvement is pretty much holding out your arm for me to cut on it a little, sitting in a circle afterwards for hopefully being healed, and watching the pretty fireworks I'm going to make with the blood if you want. They might get kind of bright if your blood has special properties, though, fair warning."
Promise nods and steps out of her room and sits in one of the living room chairs and holds out her arm.
Ari scoops a cup out of the floor. He pulls up another lump of stone, molds it into the vague shape of a knife, and pinches at the blade until the edge is sufficiently sharp. He holds the cup under Promise's elbow and cuts at the same place he used earlier on himself. Red blood trickles into the cup. "Huh. I half expected it to be green or something, faeries back home hardly ever have red blood."
"Yeah, it depends on what kind they are. Usually if they're Winter they bleed blue or purple, Summer bleeds yellow or green, and Wyld bleeds... a lot of colors, that's where you'll get the red sometimes. I saw a wyld pixie once with rainbow blood, that was hilarious. Gruesome, but hilarious." The cup fills. It's really not much blood. Ari patches the cut with his pocket clay and goes to his bag for some vervain.
"Well, those are the broad categories; there's species within the categories, but there's hundreds of those and it'd take all day. Blood's a category thing. The clay's just to keep you from bleeding all over the place- bandage type thing. You could take it off if you wanted, but I use that spot because it keeps bleeding for a good while and I'd hate to ruin a good chair."
Promise doesn't take it. "But you're not one of those kinds of other fairies, you're actually a mortal?"